Escape Dead Island is an upcoming spin off action adventure video game set in the post apocalyptic world of the Dead Island series. The game is currently being developed the private video game development team, Fatshark. Fatshark are a relatively new studio and have found success with their War of the Roses and War of the Vikings titles.
The game is currently set to be published by the industry renowned, Deep Silver. Deep Silver are the owners of the Dead Island series so this is unlikely to change; they are perhaps best known for their Saints Row series and Metro ( Redux) series of games.
Escape Dead Island is being developed primarily for 7th generation consoles with no plans for an 8th generation build of the game having been announced. It is currently slated for launch on Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360. The game will launch on November 18th in North America, November 20th in Australia and November 21st in Europe.
Escape Dead Island is being developed as a spin off from the main series canon of Dead Island, limited though it may be. Deep Silver have stressed that the game isn’t set within the main canon and therefore shouldn’t be taken into account when considering its place in the overall series, it’s stand-alone.
Despite being a spin off from the series and having no connection to the main plot of any main line Dead Island games, Escape Dead Island is the first entry into the series that isn’t considered a main series game.
Deep Silver announced, on August 27th, that anyone that pre-orders the game on either PC, PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360 will be able to receive special access to a beta build of Dead Island 2, which is set to be the third official game. Dead Island 2 is exclusive to PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4, meaning that players wanting to access the Beta will need an 8th generation console.
Unlike the previous Dead Island games that have been nearly single mindedly focused on first person combat against hordes of the undead in a once tropical paradise, Escape Dead Island is set to be much more story driven. The player will apparently discover the source of the initial viral outbreak that so ravaged the once tropical, heaven-like island of Banoi.
The game isn’t being rendered in a similar style to that of the previous or upcoming Dead Island games in the series. Escape Dead Island is being brought to life with bright and interesting comic book styled visuals.
Escape Dead Island is going to be unlike the previous Dead Island games in the series in more than a few ways, with the visual style alone being distinctly different. But one of the most prominent changes to the fundamentals of gameplay is the absence of player specific powers and abilities. This puts a much greater emphasis on survival as an individual.
Another tweak to the gameplay that puts an interesting spin on the game as a whole is the sound detection AI that will make enemies react to the amount of noise that the player makes, making the choice between stealth and combat an important one.
If players find themselves in a particularly sticky situation, there may well be an opportunity to turn the environment to your advantage. Deep Silver and Fatshark have made mention to this particular feature, but what exactly it means is dow n to speculation at the minute.
A feature of the game that has went largely unexplained (likely due to possible spoilers) is that as you explore the world around you, stranger and stranger things begin to happen. The world becomes distorted and strange. There will be events in the game that will be open to multiple interpretations. This may well be one of the reasons that this game doesn’t take place in the main series established canon. Players may also be tasked with the collection of clues and hints to help unfold the near apocalyptic tale.
Escape Dead Island is pitched as a survival mystery, but this is merely a facade to cover the usual zombie slaying madness that permeates all of the Dead Island games. The story follows Cliff Calo, a man that’s intent on documenting the strange happenings and rumoured events of what happened on Banoi, the infamous Island that’s off the coast of Papua New Guinea.
Cliff arrives at the Island of Narapela which is part of the much larger Banoi archipelago. Once there, he starts to being beset by deja vu while trying to figure out what is going on, what feels familiar and why it feels familiar.
Thus far, we’ve been officially introduced to one character that will, for certain, be making an appearance in the game. His name is Cliff Calo and he is travelling towards the Banoi archipelago in an attempt to investigate and document the strange goings on in that region. Though we don’t yet know why, Cliff is besieged by deja vu. Though screenshots have shown some characters that are a bit familiar.
Note: This wiki will be updated once we have more information about the game.