Ni No Kuni: Wrath Of The White Witch Familiars Guide: Wild Familiars 108 – 115

In this guide here we will be covering Familiars number 101 – 107 included in Ni No Kuni: Wrath Of The White Witch, with their resistances and weaknesses, tricks, drops and locations. All the evolution forms are listed, as well as both the third form variants. You can use this guide to check out which one of the two possible third forms you may prefer for your familiars: by checking out their stats and tricks, you will be able to plan ahead without having to resort to any different method. You can also use this guide to find out the location of all the basic forms of the familiars of the game, as well as some of the second evolutionary forms which can be found as wild familiars.


Celestial Sign: Star
Genus: Minima
Susceptible to: Sleep
Resistant to: Confusion
Elemental Resistance: N/A
Elemental Weakness: Water
Tricks: Slice ‘n’ Dice, Petrifying Puff, Smoke Bomb
Items Dropped: N/A
Location: N/A
Favorite Treat: Pie

109 – RABBOT

Celestial Sign: Sun
Genus: Minima
Susceptible to: Sleep
Resistant to: Confusion
Elemental Resistance: N/A
Elemental Weakness: Storm
Tricks: Ray of Light, Poison Pinch, Razzle Dazzle
Drops: Poison-Be-Gone, Iced Coffee
Location: Ding Dong Well
Favorite Treat: Pie


Celestial Sign: Sun
Genus: Minima
Susceptible to: Sleep
Resistant to: Confusion
Elemental Resistance: N/A
Elemental Weakness: Storm
Tricks: Smash Hit, Fling Flame, Hellitosis
Drops: Sundrops, Gnomebeards
Location: The Pig Iron Plain
Favorite Treat: Pie


Celestial Sign: Sun
Genus: Minima
Susceptible to: Sleep
Resistant to: Confusion
Elemental Resistance: N/A
Elemental Weakness: Storm
Tricks: Dark Cloud, See Sense, Stalagmitts
Drops: Blindness-Be-Gone, Dark Cloud Gems
Location: The Shipwreck Shore
Favorite Treat: Pie


Celestial Sign: Moon
Genus: Minima
Susceptible to: Sleep
Resistant to: Confusion
Elemental Resistance: N/A
Elemental Weakness: Storm
Tricks: Slice ‘n’ Dice, Splish Slash, Pick-Me-Up
Drops: Iron Diamonds, Fogdrops
Location: Billy Goat’s Bluff
Favourite Treat: Pie

113 – TYKE

Celestial Sign: Sun
Genus: Minima
Susceptible to: Sleep
Resistant to: Confusion
Elemental Resistance: N/A
Elemental Weakness: Storm
Tricks: Smash Hit, Sand Blast, Ray of Light
Items Dropped: Pies, Sandwiches
Location: Golden Grove
Favorite Treat: Pie


Celestial Sign: Sun
Genus: Minima
Susceptible to: Sleep
Resistant to: Confusion
Elemental Resistance: N/A
Elemental Weakness: Storm
Tricks: Smoke Bomb, Sabotage, Petrifying Poke
Drops: Planetdrops, Sturdy Shinbones
Location: Teeheeti
Favorite Treat: Pie


Celestial Sign: Sun
Genus: Minima
Susceptible to: Sleep
Resistant to: Confusion
Elemental Resistance: N/A
Elemental Weakness: N/A
Tricks: Belly Buster, Whirligig, Wind Tunnel
Drops: Poison-Be-Gone, Cheeseburger
Location: The Rolling Hills
Favorite Treat: Pie