Fire Emblem: Awakening Advanced Classes Guide: Falcon Knight, Dark Flier

Now that we have covered all the basic starter classes, it’s time to take a look at the advanced classes included in Fire Emblem: Awakening. Most of these classes are actually more specialized versions of the starter classes and feature overall better growth and skills. It’s important to play around with the class change system to make the advanced classes as strong as they can be. Changing a mage into a physical oriented class won’t be doing you any good since all the bonus stats will be related to the magic stat and so on. It’s still possible to make some drastic changes but it’s going to require more work and it’s probably not worth it. Still, the possibility is there to customize your army to your likings.

  • Falcon Knight

The Falcon Knight can be a great supportive unit but an avarage front line unit: despite some stats upgrades from the Pegasus Knight starter class, all their stats have avarage growth, except for Skill and Speed. Unlike previous entries of the series, Falcon Knights lack the ability to use swords, but can ease lances and staves, making them good for healing. They’re high movement range allows them to heal characters on the front without having to wait for multiple units. The lance use gives them moderate power but it’s more for counterattacking rather than going offensive: the defense stat is pretty low and a few well placed hits may kill these units. The Falcon Knight learns the Speed Cry skill at level 5 and the Lance Expert skill at level 15. They promote from the Pegasus Knight starter class and it’s a female exclusive class.

  • Dark Flier

While the Falcon Knights are good as support units, Dark Fliers are great offensive units that can use all magic types. While stats are even worse than the Falcon Knights, they make up with their ranged attack power. Even if you don’t want to use them too much, you may consider leveling this class up to level 15 to get the incredibly useful Galeforce skill. Dark Fliers can also use lances but with their low strength they probably won’t be doing much damage. Dark Flier learns the Rally Movement Skill at level 5 and the Galeforce skill at level 15. They promote from the Pegasus Knight starter class and it’s a female exclusive class.