Fire Emblem: Awakening Character Recruitment Guide: Paralogue 5

One of the main focuses of recent Fire Emblem games is the possibility to recruit a lot of characters for your army. Fire Emblem: Awakening is not so different in this regard, with a lot of characters available for recruitment. As always, many of the characters can join you automatically but for some others you will have to take specific steps to make them join like deploying a specific character and make them talk with the possible recruit. With the many advanced classes available in the game you may want to recruit as many characters as possible to create the most diverse army: some classes are only useful in specific situations and that’s where the many characters of the game will come in. In this guide we will be listing all the characters available, both automatic recruitments and optionals, with small descriptions for each character: a lot of the automatically recruited characters often have something they’re really good at and I always recommend to not change their class to a different type. You will have plenty of occasions to do so with the optional characters: unlike the story ones, they have some more avarage features and are perfect to experiment with customization. So save your seals for these characters.

  • Paralogue 5: Scion Of Legend


To recruit Owain you will have to get close to him with Chrom and speak with him: after the dialogue he’ll join the battle and after the chapter he’ll become a member of your army. The only hard thing in all this is unlocking the special mission: you will have to get a Support Relationship with Lissa at Level S. Owain is quite a good swordsman: with his speed he can attack twice pretty much any other unit and he deals good amount of damage to all non armored units. Unfortunately his starting defense is really low so it may be hard to use him without a bit of tweaking to his stats. You can use a seal to change him into some defense oriented classes, level him up a bit and then switch him back to his class or some advanced classes using swords: once the defense problem has been taken care of, he becomes even more useful.