The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Character Building Guide: Speech

With so many customization option given by the game, creating your character is not going to be too hard. We have taken a good look at each of the races available and understood that each one of them comes with its own strengths and weaknesses: some are better suited at being warriors while others are better at magic or stealth.

In creating your character and getting him or her ready for battle and adventure you’ll probably need some good understanding on how skills work. Skills determine your proficiency at everything that can be done in the world of Skyrim. Unlike previous The Elder Scrolls game, skills aren’t determined by the character class: the specialization of skills comes with the Perks system.

All Skills improve depending on the action you do: improving some of them can be somewhat tedious. There are other ways to improve skills without having to repeat some actions over and over: you can improve them by getting your hand on a Skill Book or find some Trainers who will help you improve specific skills.

Trainers can only train you five times per level: to get them to train you again you will have to raise you level. This limit doesn’t apply to a single trainer but to all: if you have already trained three times with a single trainer, you can only train two more times with another trainer. To start training again you will have to level up.

Some followers will also be able to train you: this actually comes with an advantage since you can get your money back by going through their inventory.

There’s also another trick to earn some good XP if you have the horse Shadowmere: this horse cannot be damaged by magic, direct and ranged attacks. Keep attacking him to earn some easy XP.

  • Speech

Speech is the character’s ability to converse. The higher the speech level the easier it is to settle matters with diplomacy. Speech is Skyrim is also used to determine the Value of an item or weapon: the better the Speech, the higher the Value: the Haggling Perk is essential since it will determine the buy/sell value with merchants and vendors.


  • Haggling

Buying and selling prices are 10% better.

  • Allure
  • LV 30

10% better prices with the opposite sex.

  • Merchant
  • LV 50

Can sell any type of item to any kind of merchant.

  • Investor
  • LV 70

Can invest 500 gold with a shopkeeper to increase his available gold permanently.

  • Fence
  • LV 90

Can barter stolen goods with any merchant you have invested in.

  • Master Trader
  • LV 100

Every merchant in the world gains 1000 gold for bartering.

  • Bribery
  • LV 30

Can bribe guards to ignore crimes.

  • Persuasion
  • LV 50

Persuasion attempts are 30% easier.

  • Intimidation
  • LV 70

Intimidation is twice as successful.