Bioshock Infinite Infusions Guide: Emporia

Bioshock Infinite is more than a simple first person game: Irrational Games has inserted so many unique elements that really set apart this game from everything else. While there may not be as many weapons available as in other first person games, there are more creative ways to dispose of enemies than just shooting at them with weapons. Vigors play a big role during battle since they all have some unique features which make them pretty good in disposing of some type of enemies. At the same time Vigors effects can be combined to create some truly devastating attacks. The special Vigors also give more depth to the game since they are more effective when used against certain types of enemies and less effective when used against others.

In Bioshock Infinite pretty much everything can be upgraded, making the gameplay experience even deeper. And if all this isn’t enough, you are also able to improve the potency of your Health, Salts and Shield with the use of Infusions.

Infusions are phials of potent formula which will boost your stats to a maximum of ten per phial. If you have the Early Bird Special Pack you will be able to use five bonus phials of infusion. Every time you find an infusion you will be able to upgrade of the three stats.

Even though you may not really require all the upgrades to be able to complete the game on the normal difficulty setting you may still want to find them all if you’re a completionist and if you’re aiming to get all the trophies/ achievements of the game: the “Infused with Greatness” trophy/achievement will get unlocked once you find every infusion, with the exception of the ones introduced by extra DLCs.

The Infusions are scattered all over the game’s world: some of them may be quite tricky to find and that’s where we come in. In the Infusion guides we will be covering all the available Infusions and their locations, starting from the ones found Comstock Center Rooftops and ending with the ones found in Comstock House.


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After opening the hairpin lock in Prosperity Plaze you’ll encounter a locked gate which will require 3 lockpicks to open. Gather the needed lockpicks and open the gate: make sure to check the washtub once you have opened the door to get the only infusion phial of Emporia.