Skylanders Giants Collector’s Guide: Skylander Giants Exclusive Packs – Gamestop

Now that we have covered all the basics of Skylanders Giants it’s time to get to the heart of the game. One of the most important elements of the game, as you may have noticed by checking out our Starter Guide, is Skylanders. To be able to use Skylanders inside the game you will have to actually buy them and place them on the Portal Of Power, which is included in any starter set sold for the game: thanks to the Portal the Skylander will come to life in the game and everything it does inside a single version of the game will get recorded inside the figurine itself, meaning that you can keep all the obtained abilities, items and money even if you’re playing the game on a different platform. Skylanders are all different from each other and to truly experience everything the game has to offer you may want to collect all the new 48 Skylanders created for Giants. The 48 Skylanders for Giants include 8 New Giants 8 New Skylanders 8 Light Core Figures 24 Series 2 Skylanders The 24 Series 2 Skylanders are pretty unique: they are returning Skylanders with a new pose and a new Wow-Pow ability that the series 1 figurines lack. Many of these Skylanders may also come with some exclusive colors which are only found in select retails. In the Collector’s Guide we’ll be taking a good look at all the available packs for the game, starting with the Starter packs and continuing with all the other available packs. If you want to collect all the available Skylanders you have come to the right place: you may not be Pokemon trainers but you’re definitely not less dedicated to your ultimate goal of collecting all Skylanders. Once we’re done with all the collecting tips, we’ll be delve further inside the game and take a good look at all the available Skylanders, detailing their appearance, backstory, stats and available upgrades. With the upcoming Skylander Giants Skylanders Guides you’ll definitely find the Skylanders that are most suited to your own playstyle: the monsters are quite different from each other so you’ll surely find something that you’ll like.

  • Gamestop

The Golden Drgaonfire Cannon Battle Pack is a Gamestop exclusive and can only be bought from them: this pack is pretty much the same as the Dragonfire Cannon Battle Pack. The only real difference is that it features the limited edition Golden Cannon, which unlocks an exclusive battle arena inside the game. The two Skylanders found in the pack are Chop-Chop and Shroomboom