Best Minecraft Xbox One Seeds

Best Minecraft Seeds for Xbox One

Updated with CU15 Seeds: August 25, 2015

No different from its last-gen versions, Minecraft’s world generation is randomly generated based on “seeds”. It’s an almost limitless game world based on intricate algorithms. By default, the game grabs the current system time as the basic input for the starting values of a world and runs with that. However those seeds can be influenced, they can be copied and pasted into Minecraft's underlying code, and thus renders the players able to go and recreate worlds. 

Minecraft forums, wikis and communities out on the web have started collecting some of the best and most interesting seeds that the game has to offer on the Xbox One. We’ve decided to collect some of the seeds and present them to you so you can use them to create a stunning world in Minecraft, should you choose.

The following selection of seeds is just a small sample of the countless worlds that the game can create on Minecraft for the Xbox One. With over 380 trillion unique and different worlds, the possibilities are endless. 

CU15 Seeds

For all the newly added seeds on this list, we recommend starting the world size in Classic.

Seed: -1117816657125390683

This seed has been around since TU19, but like many other seeds on this list, it works on the latest version of the game. There are villages, temples, witch huts, dungeons, and a ton of diamonds on this one (source: MinecraftForums) .

Villages (* indicates blacksmith chest)

X:-321, Z:138*

X:-205, Z:1343

X:-2528, Z:1570* (This village is comically small)

X:-2231, Z:1134*

X:1263, Z:1635

Desert Temples

X:-406, Z:298 (2x Diamond horse armor, 6x Diamonds, 3x Emeralds, 3x Iron, 2x Gold)

X:-294, Z:1146 (1x Diamond horse armor, 1x Iron horse armor.)

X:-2357, Z:1562 (1x Gold horse armor)

X:331, Z-198 (Found by Nemocidal)

Jungle Temples

X:89, Z:1398 (x1 Protection III, x2 Diamonds)

X:-1385, Z:2214 (x11 Gold ingots)

X: -2394, Z:2152 (x1 Fortune I, x3 diamonds, x1 saddle)

X:-953, Z:693 (x2 saddles)

X:-489, Z:773 (x3 Emeralds, x5 Gold)

X:145, Z:22 (Found by Nemocidal)

Witch Huts

X:-895, Z:2102

X:-1821, Z:51

X;-428, Z:-1202

Library: X:-484, Y:35, Z:-1202 (Found by Nemocidal)

The End Portal: X: -444, Y:28, Z:-864 (Found By MsLilMeow) 

Spider Dungeons

X:-151, Y:56, Z:198 (x1 Iron Horse Armor, x1 Projectile Protection IV)

X-382 Y:57 Z:1167 (x1 Iron Horse Armor, x2 Saddles)

Zombie Dungeons

X:-235, Y:41, Z:148 (x2 Saddles, x1 Name Tag)

X:-355, Y:13, Z:125 (x1 Saddle)

X:-338, Y:57, Z:100 (x1 Saddle)

X:2438 Y:57 Z:-1506 (x2 music discs)

X:-408 Y:56 Z:953 (x1 Iron Horse Armor)

X:16 Y:58: Z:282 (x2 Name Tags, x2 Saddles)

Skeleton Dungeons

X;-248, Y:24, Z:328 (x1 Gold horse armor, x1 Iron horse armor, x1 Name tag)


X:573 Y:43 Z:-614

Diamonds (100+)

X;-387 Y:12 Z:88 (6)

X:-471 Y:13 Z:84 (4)

X:-606 Y:10 Z:86 (6)

X:-666 Y:12 Z:71 (4)

X: 221 Y:17 Z:272 (2)

X:-288 Y:12 Z:122 (4)

X:-232 Y:11 Z:317 (5)

X:-170 Y:14 Z:188 (4)

X:-369 Y:7 Z:139 (5)

X:-405 Y:7 Z:133 (6)

X:-319 Y:5 Z:117 (6)

X:-355 Y:7 Z:126 (6)

X:-333 Y:6 Z:125 (8)

X:-343 Y:8 Z:127 (3)

X:-68 Y:13 Z:224 (5)

X:261 Y:12 Z:-1045 (5)

X:239 Y:12 Z:-1089 (3)

X:221 Y:12 Z:-1093 (5)

X:212 Y:13 Z:-1122 (5)

X:580 Y:12 Z:-603 (5)

X:212 Y:13 Z:-1122 (5)

X:1540 Y:13 Z:863 (5)

X:1558 Y:13 Z:-881 (2)

Seed: 671954723

This seed is loaded with a ton of diamonds and NPC villages so you'll always have something to do. 

Diamond Spot # 1: X: -96 Y: 12 Z: 178

Diamond Spot # 2: X: -77 Y: 13 Z: 209

Diamond Spot # 3: X: -139 Y: 14 Z: 48

Diamond Spot # 4: X: -198 Y: 15 Z: 46

Diamond Spot # 5: X: -198 Y: 14 Z: -142

Diamond Spot # 6: X: -126 Y: 14 Z: -250

Diamond Spot # 7: X: -116 Y: 14 Z: -76

Diamond Spot # 8: X: -62 Y: 14 Z: -94

NPC Village #1 X: 296 Y: 72 Z: 309 

NPC Village #2 X: -276 Y: 73 Z: -173

NPC Village #3 X: 121 Y: 71 Z: 73

NPC Village #4 X: 346 Y: 70 Z: 102

End Portal: X: 102 Y: 26 Z: 42

Library: X: 158 Y: 37 Z: 13

Library: X: 142 Y: 35 Z:-9

Mineshaft: X: -291 Y: 39 Z: 307

Sand Temple: X:-403 Y: 69 Z: 11

Mob Spawner: X: -203 Y: 14 Z: -97

Seed: 89804430532978560

This particular seed is absolutely empty of trees, with very little landmass in the form of islands. An interesting map if you're playing in Survival mode. 

Seed: Theycallmediamonds29

This seed spawns the player in a location with 4 villages, a desert and jungle temple, a witch hut, a stronghold library, and endroom. There are tons of diamonds within this seed at the following coordinates:

381, 12, 339 (4)

381, 13, 347 (6)

163, 4, 62 (4)

163, 12, 218 (8)

149, 13, 109 (4)

144, 14, 162 (4)

159, 9, 96 (5)

159, 8, 178 (4)

159, 8, 194 (5)

141, 8, 102 (4)

142, 10, 122 (8)

160, 4, 75 (2)

-154, 12, 130 (6)

-45, 15, 26 (4)

-110, 13, 114, (4)

-124, 12, 74 (6)

-125, 12, 45 (6) 

-132, 14, 111 (10)

111, 4, 163 (4)

6, 7, 223 (6) 

Previous seeds

Seed: -8552911835434547704

This Minecraft seed spawns players in a ravine that contains a lot of coal and some iron. There's a little village by the spawn and a temple containing diamond horse armor and  a lot of gems. 

Seed: -4344622374139120669

This seed contains three temples and a desert village alongside a whole bunch of diamonds. Here are the coordinates you'll need to get to their locations:

Jungle Temple: X: 137 Y: 79 Z: -203

Desert Temple: X: 298 Y: 75 Z: -262

Jungle Temple X: -858 Y: 90 Z: -1433

Seed: -7447279659038168196

This seed gives you a bunch of emeralds at the beginning and a vilage with a saddle to tame a horse right at the very start. 

Seed: -590576960

This seed contains 4 golden apples, a triple spawner (11 total mob spawners), and diamonds at the spawn. 


-151; 68; 86

9; 67; 96


1; 60; 48 Spider

211; 61; -126 Skeleton

3; 23; -367 Zombie

0; 17; -367 Zombie

-6; 18; -371 Spider

381; 41; 379 Zombie

400; 41; 367 Zombie:

-177; 49; 207 spider

-33; 29; -106 

Stronghold: 15; 34; 38

Nether Chest:

65; 58; 59: 1 diamond, 1 golden horse armor

30; 51; 87: 2 iron ingots, 1 saddle, 1 golden sword

85; 51; 89: 3 golden ingots, 1 saddle, 1 golden horse armor

30; 51; 104: 2 diamonds, 1 diamond horse armor, 1 saddle, 2 golden ingots

15; 58; 54: 2 saddles, 1 golden 

Older seeds

Seed: 5846359029418317794

This seed offers a whole lot of temples and villages near its spawn. 

Seed: 1480205470

You spawn in a desert close to two mob spawners. The landscape itself earns itself a place on this list, as there are steep hills you can build your fortress (or house) into. There is also a village nearby with a blacksmith. 

Seed: -198666536

This seed is populated by a large number of desert temples and villages. Here are the places you can go to find them:

Desert temple locations:

x -838 y 86 z 966

x -476 y 82 z -1008

x -439 y 93 z -1246

x 104 y 77 z -1462

x 843 y 84 z -1918

x -441 y 102 z -1252

Village locations:

x-1137 y 86 z 966

x-321 y 79 z -842

x -439 y 93 z -1246

x 10 y 94 z -1382

x 656 y77 z -1927

x-441 y 102 z -1252

Seed: -1460420969

You spawn right on a village that’ll allow you to survive the night pretty easily. This is a popular seed because it’s rich with diamonds. 

Seed: -8100593880228775311

This seed spawns you in a snow biome and is full of temples and villages.  

Seed: -7492801512473941435

You’ll spawn very close to a village. If you cross the ocean at the spawn you’ll encounter a mushroom biome filled with mooshrooms. There is also a temple within a village nearby.

Seed: -5825474964779901595 

This seed starts you next to a well developed village at the foot of a mountain formation leading to a canyon. There are plenty of caves to explore.

Seed: 1985806082

This seed spawns you right next to a village that’s only a short distance away from a sand temple. If you deactivate the TNT at the bottom and dig out you’ll find a massive underground cavern with ore.