Star Wars Battlefront: Tips and Tricks to Mastering the Game

Star Wars Battlefront isn't a terribly difficult game to figure out. It's slightly more simplified than the Battlefield titles before it, but it's got its own set of nuances that anyone wishing to master the game will want to learn.

With that in mind, we've put together a list of things--tips and tricks--you need to know about Star Wars Battlefront.

General Tips

Blasters do not use ammo, and therefore do not require you to reload. Instead, they will overheat after extended use. When they overheat, you will have the option to cool them instantly by hitting the 'reload' button when the indicator is inside the yellow region. Each successful flush will reduce the size of the region.

Aiming down sights will not give you a bonus to your accuracy. Your blaster will be just as accurate if you shoot from the hip or even while you move.

Shooting enemies in the head will give you a headshot damage bonus. Always aim for the head.

Firing your weapon and sprinting will reveal your position on the enemy's radar.

You can hold up to three star cards at any given time. Star cards allow you to customize your character's loadout with grenades, sniper rifles and other utility devices. You will unlock a second hand at level 10 so you can easily swap between two separate loadouts.

You may equip a single trait to receive passive bonuses that are activated whenever you earn kill streaks, up to three tiers. Each death you suffer will reduce the bonus by a single tier.

Single-player missions can be played with a partner. You can also test out every blaster in the game during these missions.

See those three challenges in your weapon select/character customization screen? Completing those challenges will reward you with credits and experience. Each time you complete one, a new challenge will appear. Think of them as quests.

Star Cards

Star cards have cooldowns, which can be reduced if you spend credits to upgrade them.

The Pulse Cannon charge can be cancelled by hitting the melee key.

Ion Torpedoes can lock onto vehicles and defensive emplacements.

The Personal Shield will not protect its wearer from melee attacks, the Cycler Rifle or explosive rockets.


Hero characters are available as powerups, much like vehicles on the battlefield.

Hero health does not regenerate outside of combat.

Allied players can spawn on Princess Leia or Emperor Palpatine as guards with specialized equipment.

Both Leia and Palpatine can drop powerups for allies.


Every vehicle, with the exception of speeder bikes on Endor, are available as powerups.

Vehicle powerups can expire while in your inventory if you do not use them.

Certain vehicles, like the AT-AT, have a time limit.

The AT-AT has a weak spot under its belly that you should aim for on Walker Assault.

The AT-ST can lock onto fighters with its rocket launcher.

The AT-ST's weak spot is its back.

Fighter Ships

Every ship can perform evasive maneuvers such as barrel rolls and 180 degree flips, which you can use to evade missile locks.

Before firing a missile, be sure to lock onto enemy targets with the right mouse button or the corresponding controller trigger.

Controlling fighters is much easier on a controller.