Green Soup Room Walkthrough

If you’re having trouble beating the Green Soup Room escape the room game from Sakura, you shouldn’t worry anymore: I have for you a complete walkthrough, a step by step guide that will tell you exactly what you have to do in order to complete the game. So waste no more time and read the complete Green Soup Room walkthrough below:

– Zoom on the notebook on the floor to see that you need, a rubber as usual.
– Zoom on the painting and find a hint (small white square to the right of the middle plant).
– Play with the light button but leave it on for now.
– Zoom on the panel on the door. Especially, there is no doubtful point, only the usual four digits needed.
– Turn right. Search the couch and find blue key when clicking on the crack below the left pillow (front side of couch).
– Zoom under the couch, right side and get a cloth.
– Zoom on the wall safe. Remember the picture… those plants look familiar.
– Zoom on the middle plant pot. Use the cloth on the orange spot on the couch.
– This clue could be useful… on the wall safe.
– Go there and make the same black shape.
– Click on the handle to the right to open it and to get the green ball.
– Turn right. Yay! The first drink! Take the glass of poisonous green cold soup.
– Zoom to the left of the blue locker to get that rubber for the book. You might as well use the blue key right now. Get another glass of decorative soup and a crowbar.
– Start stabbing things with the crowbar immediately. Get the blue ball from the right cupboard (third wooden board from top).
– Turn right. Take the third glass of “is-this-really-drinkable-soup?”
– Zoom on the small box on the table. Solve the puzzle and click on the handle to open and get the yellow key.
– Zoom inside the right table “leg” and get the red key.
– Turn left. Use the yellow key to get a hammer and the fourth doubtful glass of soup.
– Use the red key to get a screwdriver and your final glass of “not-good-for-breakfast-nor-another-time-soup”.
– Turn left. Zoom on the middle plant pot again. Use the screwdriver on the outlet and get the red ball.
– Turn left. Look at the picture again. Don’t those plants look like three green arrows? Zoom out and use the hammer on the wall under the picture (where the arrows point – it’s not more difficult than that). Get the yellow ball.
– Turn the lights off. Turn left. Zoom under the table where you found the red key. Color order is right there:
– Turn right. Turn the lights back on. Zoom on the notebook and use the rubber to get the grid hint you need for the final code.
– Turn left and zoom on the TV. Insert the balls in the order from the hint. Solve the grids and get the four numbers.
– Turn right. Zoom on the panel on the door. Insert the numbers.
– Click on the round button. If it turns yellow the code is right. Zoom out. Click on the door handle.

For the numbers you only need to look at the three middle columns of the grids.

The second and fourth columns in the notebook are grey.
For the colored grids, look only at the white squares of these columns (ignore the colored squares).
For the middle (third) column look only at the colored squares, ignore the white ones.

Together, the white-colored-white squares of these three columns will form numbers – Code: 7583

Cheers to Ellie on EG24 for the great walkthrough!