Easy Money and SP in Need for Speed Rivals

In our latest Hints and Tips guide on Need for Speed: Rivals, we’re going to walk you through the simple process for earning quick SP. These steps involve continuously repeating a mission, which will build up your multiplier higher and higher until every takedown awards you with thousands of Speed Points and a lot of easy money.

Earning Speed Points

In order for this easy SP cheat to work you’re going to need to be at least level 6 or above and purchase both shockwave and electrostatic field for your car. The first step is to head into the all drive menu and set your session to private or single player. In the multiplayer mode you will become quite the valuable target as your heat level begins to climb. Now, head over to map and enter the interceptor mission, ‘Highroller’ beginning it as normal. This mission’s objective is usually to escape from one single cop in a certain amount of time to earn a ton of money. Normally your instinct when entering this mission is to race away as quickly as you possibly can, however this time switch it round and take the fight to them. Engage your electrostatic field, so that each time the cop rams into you he’ll receive damage, and then use the shockwave to reduce his health even more. Whilst your weapons are recharging, drive around in circles to avoid the cops and limit the amount of damage to your own vehicle. And then repeat. If you face any trouble, then fear not, as this mission was chosen specifically as it begins right by a repair shop. Speed through it to receive a full repair to your vehicle and fully stock your weapons. You can revisit this repair shop as many times as you like when needed as it does not interrupt the mission.

Once he has been destroyed, you’ll be rewarded with a sum of money and instead of banking it restart the mission using your Easy Drive quick menu. This will build up your multiplier to ensure that you earn more money each time you beat the cop. If you face any problems along the way with multiple cops on your tail, then simply visit the hideout on the map. After repeating this process you will find yourself earning hundreds of thousands of SP. After you’ve completed a few racing levels you can use your money to buy newer cars with higher heat values and upgraded versions of electrostatic and shockwave, making this glitch to making quick SP a lot easier, faster and with a much better payout. This process can be repeated practically anywhere, however this mission was selected in particular due to its repair shop and hideout in close proximity.

Lose the cops

Loosing the cops in Need for Speed Rivals can sometimes prove quite challenging bearing in mind how vicious they are. Once they’ve got their eyes set on you, they will do their best to ruin your day. Therefore we’ve composed a guide to lose the cops quick, follow on to discover our top five tips.

Hideouts – It isn’t explained to you directly in the game, however if the cops are hot on your tail, enter one of these hideouts to instantly lose all of the cops. Unfortunately you will lose your multiplier, but when all else fails and you simply want an escape route, this is one of the easiest and simplest of methods.
Jumps – These cops are absolutely relentless, but their weaknesses fall within their driving skills. They often smash into objects that the average NFS driver would find easy enough to avoid. This can be used to your own advantage by leading them down narrow roads filled with twists and jumps. Using the jumps is the most effective way to knock the cops of course as they usually handle the landing pretty poorly, often hitting into objects on the fall or landing at obscure angles. Giving you the opportunity to speed off in the opposite direction.
Shockwave and turbo - Shockwave can be used to push other drives with a great force of power, run alongside a cliff edge or near to a wall and force them into it using your shockwave. Now, couple this with your turbo to make for a hasty escape. The cop who is now backing up from the wall will look up to see you blasting down the highway, with no chance of catching up.
Handbrake and turbo – Use your handbreak to make a sharp 180º turn and immediately activate your turbo. The cops’ lack of control means that they’ll be very slow at rejoining your path, which will allow you to break the line-of-sight in the meantime.
Hiding – Breaking the line-of-sight between you and the cops and nipping into a quick hiding place is a great way to lose the cops but can prove quite difficult to accomplish. Be quick in whipping around the corner and take refuge underneath a bridge or around another corner.

Have you got any tips of your own to Earning Quick Reputation Points in Need for Speed Rivals or losing the cops? Let us know in the comments below.