Dealing with merchants throughout Dark Souls 2 is essential for any player, whether that is buying from them or killing them for goods and souls. The merchants’ stock lists change and develop during the game, depending on your stats and accomplishments. Knowing where the merchants are and how to unlock benefits such as expanding stock are key; that’s where we come in! Read through this Dark Souls 2 merchant locations guide and you will soon find yourself an expert tradesman.
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Shalquior the Cat
This talking cat is located in a house at the edge of The Pit in Majula and by engaging with her you can view your current covenant rank alongside other convenant options. Shalquior’s stock is infinite once you unlock the door to the Shrine of Winter, providing you with a valuable source of consumables.
Hag Melentia the Merchant
By talking through the hag’s dialogue options, you can make her move to Majula where she remains for the duration of the game. You are also rewarded for this as Hag Melentia gives you the Covetous Silver Serpent Ring, which you can also retrieve by killing her, once you have spent 10000 souls. Hag Melentia is found at the Cardinal Tower Bondire in the Forest of Fallen Giants and will update her inventory when you kill nearby NPCs.
Lenigrast the Blacksmith
To access this blacksmith, you will need to first purchase a key from Melentia in the Forest of Fallen Giants. You will find Lenigrast in Majula, where he offers his services of repairing and strengthening Dark Souls 2 weapons. The blacksmith will give you the Blacksmith’s Hammer if you spend 8000 souls, but if you kill him you get this and 2000 souls.
Maughlin the Armorer Spending souls on Maughlin’s goods is both beneficial for you and him because his range of products increases as you shop. Although initially basic, after spending 1000 souls you can purchase the Royal Soldier Armour Set and Elite Knight Armor set. Once you have given Maughlin 16000 souls you can buy the Alva set, if you do this and then visit the Armorer with no souls he takes pity and gives you the Aurous Set. Maughlin’s stock also expands as you defeat enemies during the game, once you defeat the Lost Sinner, Smelther Dragon, Looking Glass Knight, Royal Aegis and the Throne Watcher and Defender, Maughlin the Armorer will sell you their armor sets. This is a very tempting purchase for many Dark Souls 2 players. You can find this merchant in the Forge in Majula, if you kill him you will collect 2500 souls and the following items: Tseldora Cap, Tseldora Robe, Tseldora Manchettes and the Tseldora Trousers.
Licia of Lindelt
The following Dark Souls 2 merchant is located in Heide’s Tower of Flame and once the Dragonrider is conquered Licia is near the Tower of Flame bonfire. However speaking through her dialogue options will result in Licia relocating to Majula, where she can open a route to the Huntsman’s Corpse for the price of 2000 souls. Using the Crushed Eye Orb within Rotunda will reveal Licia as a traitor and lead to a fight; by killing her you can collect the Idol’s Chime and the Rotunda Lockstone.
Chloanne the Stone Trader
Like with other merchants, exhausting this character’s dialogue will relocate them to Majula, away from the Huntsman’s Corpse where Chloanne is found. After you have fulfilled certain conditions within the story, this Dark Souls 2 merchant will expand her stock of Shards, Large Shards and Chunks. If you get so far as spending 20000 souls, Chloanne will give you a piece of Twinkling Titanie. If you choose to kill this merchant, you will receive Palestone and 2500 souls.
Bastille Blacksmith
In order to access this merchant, you will have to open his cell door with either the Bastille Key or blowing up the wall with a gunpowder barrel nearby. Give the merchant Dull Ember and he will sell you various wares. Upon killing him, you will receive a Black Hood and 14000 souls.
Carhillion of the Fold This Dark Souls 2 merchant is located in a dock near the Flexile Sentry’s battle arena in No-Man’s Wharf; when you defeat the sentry Carhillon moves to Majula. Alongside teaching spells, you can have Carhillion aid a Pyromancy Flame for Fire Seeds and souls. If you speak to the merchant with a base intelligence greater than 30, you will receive the Northern Ritual Band; but if you kill him you get the band and 3500 souls too.
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