Wolfenstein: The New Order PlayStation Trophy List

When playing Wolfenstein: The New Order on PS3 or PS4, you’ll be looking for ways to collect achievements whilst fighting Nazi soldiers. The PlayStation trophy system has four tiers: bronze, silver, gold and the single platinum trophy of the game. Developing your skills will see you earning bronze achievements before reaching the silver and to do better than that you’ll have to choose your game difficulty wisely. Read through our Wolfenstein: The New Order achievement list and prepare to work your way to the top on the release date, 20th May 2014.

Wolfenstein: The New Order - Assault perk trophy list
Bronze: Double reload: Achieve assault perk 1

Bronze: Endurance I: Unlock assault perk 2

Bronze: Scavenger: Given upon attaining assault perk 3

Bronze: Bullet feeder: Earn assault perk 4

Bronze: Endurance II: Unlock assault perk 5

Bronze: Autopanzer: Awarded once assault perk 6 is achieved

Bronze: LKW battery +: Attain assault perk 7

Silver: Dual-wield expert: Unlock the 8th assault perk

Wolfenstein: The New Order - Demolition perk trophies

Bronze: Throwback: Earned with demolition perk 1

Bronze: Grenade pouch +: Accomplish demolition perk 2

Bronze: Grenade pouch ++: Unlock demolition perk 3

Bronze: Bullseye: Given when demolition perk 4 is reached

Bronze: Rocket magazine +: Attain demolition perk 5

Bronze: Vaporize: Achieve demolition perk 6

Bronze: Sentinel: Reach demolition perk 7

Silver: Hardened: Unlock the 8th demolition perk

Wolfenstein: The New Order - Stealth perk trophy list

Bronze: Scout I: Awarded with stealth perk 1

Bronze: Knife throwing: Unlock stealth perk 2

Bronze: Knife sheath +: Earn stealth perk 3

Bronze: Knife sheath ++: Reach stealth perk 4

Bronze: Silent shot: Unlock stealth perk 5

Bronze: Vampire: Given once stealth perk 6 is achieved

Bronze: Scout II: Attain stealth perk 7

Silver: Assassin: Unlock the 8th stealth perk

Wolfenstein: The New Order - Tactical perk trophies

Bronze: Deadeye: Unlock tactical perk 1

Bronze: Quick draw: Awarded with tactical perk 2

Bronze: Quick regeneration: Unlock tactical perk 3

Bronze: Gun magazine +: Achieve tactical perk 4

Bronze: Shotgun magazine +: Earn tactical perk 5

Bronze: AR magazine +: Attain tactical perk 6

Bronze: Marksman magazine +: Given once tactical perk 7 is reached

Silver: Quick reload: Unlock the 8th tactical perk

Wolfenstein: The New Order achievements list

Bronze: All that glitters: Get 25 gold items

Bronze: The lives of others: Gather all letters

Silver: Heart of gold: Attain all of the gold items

Silver: Secrets revealed I: Resolve the first Enigma code

Silver: Secrets revealed II: Decipher Enigma code 2

Silver: Secrets revealed III: Solve the third Enigma code

Silver: Secrets revealed IV: Crack Enigma code 4

Silver: Super hero: Finish Wolfenstein: The New Order on the I AM DEATH INCARNATE! (or ÜBER) difficulty

Silver: Über hero: Play the whole game on the ÜBER difficulty

Gold: Liberation: Complete Wolfenstein: The New Order on any difficulty

Platinum: Wolfenstein master: Earn every achievement

The Xbox achievements list can be found here.

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