Destiny Trading Card Codes

Calling all Guardians-to-be! Bungie has handed out a total of 17 different Destiny trading cards at various events around the world in their promotion of the upcoming game Destiny, including E3. Unless you, harnessing your inner Guardian self, travelled across land and sea to get your hands on all of the giveaway trading cards, chances are you’re missing at least one of the trading card codes. Luckily for you we have them all here to share with you! There is no need for any Guardian to miss out, especially if it might hinder you in your mission to save the human race in the beta version next week and in the real-deal Destiny come September.

The nature of the Destiny Trading Cards is something many people have been asking themselves about. But before we get down to business it is important to highlight this link will take you to the website where you can enter the 17 Destiny Trading Card codes. So add them to your account and be ready for when you create your Destiny character, whether that’s a human, awoken or exo, and start playing. Maybe you’ll play with all three? That’s doable with Destiny’s multiple save slots.

As a game centered on battles, weapons, factions and varying enemy races, there are many areas in Destiny that could be affected by the Trading Card codes. Each of the Destiny Trading Cards is named after one aspect of the game. Guardian classes, Destiny locations and enemies share their names with some of the Trading Cards Bungie distributed. From this, we could ask whether the codes benefit the specific areas that they’re named after. If that is the case, Warlock players may be treated to a speed boost of 5% if they unlock the Warlock Trading Card code for example, or shots that hit the Hive’s weak point could inflict 10% more damage than usual if the The Hive code has been activated. This benefits system could be a viable option in the Destiny game because points are activated online, thus enabling players using PS4, PS3, Xbox One or Xbox 360 to join in so there is no platform discrimination. Also, the codes are widely available and so Bungie must have expected a large proportion, if not a majority, of players to activate the codes and benefit from them. Hopefully!

We’re getting ever closer to the initial Destiny beta release, which is July 17th for Sony PlayStation gamers and July 23rd for Microsoft Xbox users. Bungie could have set up the system so Destiny Trading Card codes become active upon playing the beta; however considering the limited nature of the Destiny beta, access will terminate on July 28th, Bungie are more likely to save their Destiny Trading Card game for the official release later this year on September 9th. They’ve spent so much time spreading word of the trading card codes that you could go as far as to say it would be a shame for it to come and go so swiftly as the Destiny beta. Nevertheless the impatient amongst us will hope for more information soon, at the very least!

An alternative theory behind the Destiny Trading Card codes suggests that the codes will unlock access to exclusive Destiny content. Optimistic Destiny fans may hope for super elite weapons and exceptionally speedy vehicles, or even something as simple yet novel as a special cloak. This theory is also possible as it would give people something that would help them progress, but not leave those without Destiny Trading Card codes at too large a disadvantage. Nevertheless the video games retailer GAME has already announced their exclusive sale of Destiny Special Editions, so it is questionable whether Bungie would allow for even more exclusives on top of their trio of special edition Destiny games. How many special items do you need to have before they just become normal!?

News is circulating that Bungie and Activision are developing a mobile app that operates with Destiny, which has already been achieved with Ubisoft’s Watch Dogs. Perhaps the Destiny Trading Card codes will coordinate with the mobile app, giving selected players downloadable content for their phones such as backgrounds and short videos. The possibilities span across a variety of options, each bound to excite a group of Destiny fans, if not them all. Regardless of the treats in store for Destiny fans and wannabe Guardians alike, find a list of all the codes below.

Destiny Trading Card Codes:

Warlock – code 1 - YKA-RJG-MH9
Hunter – code 2 - 3DA-P4X-F6A
Titan – code 3 - MVD-4N3-NKH
Rixis – code 4 - TCN-HCD-TGY
Old Russia – code 5 - HDX-ALM-V4K
Hive - code 6 - 473-MXR-3X9
Moon - code 7 - JMR-LFN-4A3
Gjallarhorn - code 8 - HC3-H44-DKC
The Tower – code 9 - 69P-KRM-JJA
Duke MK.44 – code 10 - 69P-VCH-337
Phogoth - code 11 - 69R-CKD-X7L
Valley of the Kings, Mars - code 12 - 69R-DDD-FCP
The Fallen - code 13 - 69R-F99-AXG
Red Death - code 14 - 69R-VL7-J6A
The Cabal - code 15 - 69X-DJN-74V
The Devastated Coast, Venus - code 16 - 6A7-7NP-3X7
Vex Minotaur - code 17 - 6A9-DTG-YGN

What do you think the Destiny Trading Card codes are for? Looking forward to the Destiny beta release? Let us know in the comments below!

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