Bethesda’s announcement of Fallout 4 at E3 2015 had everyone out of their seats in applause, and for good reason. The Fallout franchise has captivated gamers for years, and the latest instalment, Fallout 4, is sure to impress with a host of new features - here are some of them.


The return of the dog!

Fallout 3 had Dogmeat. New Vegas had Rex. In Fallout 4, you have the chance to roam the wasteland with yet another canine companion. This time around, your faithful pooch will be able to perform tasks for you, such as picking up items you want and it does all it can to help in combat. Just like in past game, the dog can’t die, so there’s no risk of you losing your furry companion at any point in the game.

Building your own settlement

One of the most ground breaking announcements was the inclusion of player owned settlements, that you are free to restore, customise and really make your own. In your settlement, you will be able to build shops to house traders and get access to those more powerful weapons. Players can even fund their own Brahmin caravans to travel to other towns and settlements, providing some extra bottle caps on the side. Even more exciting than all this though, is the opportunity to own your very own workshop and build a custom suit of power armour.



Taking to the skies

One thing that has stood out in what has been shown of Fallout 4 gameplay so far is the potential for vertical travel. Players of the Fallout: New Vegas ‘Flyable Vertibird’ mod for PC will be no stranger to this, but the latest iteration of the franchise will allow you to take control of a cannon, and rain fire down on your enemies from the skies. Whether you will be able to control the vertibird is yet to be seen, but you will be able to equip your power armour with a jet pack for some added short-range agility.

Voice acting

For the first time in Fallout history, your character will have a voice. The male and female characters will be voiced by Brian T. Delaney (Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare) and Courtenay Taylor (Mass Effect, Batman: Arkham Knight). This is sure to make your character seem more alive, and make the massive amounts of dialogue come to life. You will also be able to engage in conversations in third or first person – another new feature, and disengage whenever and however you want, whether by saying your goodbyes or shooting the other person in the face. It’s entirely up to you!



Your very own Pip Boy!

The collector’s edition of Fallout 4 made waves in the gaming community for one very distinct reason – it comes with a Pip Boy you can wear on your wrist. Pip Boys are found on the wrists of all vault dwellers, and allow you to check up on your health status, the condition of your limbs, manage your inventory and set up shots in slow motion with VATS. You will even be able to mount your phone into the Pip Boy itself, and, through the use of an app, keep an eye on your progress without having to pause the game.