Dota 2 Axe Jungle And Lane Guide

Dota 2 Axe Jungle And Lane Guide

One of the most popular but hard-to-grasp games out there is Defense of the Ancients 2, better known as Dota 2. The game is hard to grasp because of all the intricate nuances that challenge players in memorizing specific ways to play certain characters. However, there are guides out there to help mitigate some of the confusion and help the butt-kicking process become a lot clearer. This is one of those guides.

If you’re thinking about playing as the hero Mogul Khan the Axe, you’ll need a bit of help in getting into a groove that fits your play-style with the character. Two videos do a fantastic job of rolling out some necessary details on how to build and effectively play and use Axe on the battlefield, both as a jungler and as a threat in the PvP lanes.

The first video comes from TheEvilSnowman, and offers players a very detail driven and methodical look at the skills and abilities of Axe. You can check it out below, as he details what sort of items you should be starting with (such as the shield, axe and health items just until you can upgrade to Tranquil boots, a Soul Ring, Blink Dagger and Vanguard, the latter of which you should get as soon as you possibly can), as well as offering some tips on how to best utilize Axe’s skills, especially since he’s the only character who can cull opposing forces toward him with his Berserker’s Call.

It’s important to note that in the video Battle Hunger is the one skill that kind of gets left on the cutting room floor. That’s okay, it’s just not that useful, sort of like a mouse raccoon-infested house.

Skills like Counter Helix and Culling Blade are the skills where you should be focusing your attention, with Counter Helix providing a lot of support when you’re in a solo-situation in which you’re being mobbed by creeps and you need to be able to react and attack quickly in addition to the skills you’re already dispensing on them.

Culling Blade is perfect, as noted in the video, because it can insta-kill enemies below 600hp. Perfect for finishing off opponents.

You can see some of these skills put to pretty good use in a video by Pay 2 Lose Gaming, where they offer a quick-guide on how to utilize Axe on the battlefield. Check it out below.

If Axe still seems like a bit of a mystery to you, or you want to cross-examine some of his skills, feel free to learn more about the hero by paying a visit to the official Dota 2 wiki page. You can get in on the game and join the action by visiting the official website.