Here are the Top Xbox Exclusive Games to Watch Out for in 2015

We’ve looked at the top exclusives for Sony, Nintendo, as well as the big AAA multi-platform games due out this year. Now it’s time to see what Microsoft has in store for its Xbox consoles!

Fable Legends

fable legends

The longtime single player focused action RPG series will be catering to multiplayer fans in 2015. Fable Legends allows up to four heroes to work together to complete various quests while another player controlled Villian attempts to thwart them. Taking a page from the recently released Evolve, Fable Legends wants to pit a team of underdog heroes against a single enemy with greater advantages. Each of the heroes will have their own distinct personality and playing style while the Villain can order creatures to do their bidding.

Don’t fret though if you’re still pining for the single player Fable gameplay of old. Fable Legends isn’t online only and AI characters will replace any non human controller characters. Whether or not the online community sticks around will be dependent if Fable Legends ends up being the Fable game that finally lives up to all of its hype and becomes one of the top Xbox exclusive games to own this year.

Halo 5: Guardians

halo 5

Well this one is obvious right? Halo 5: Guardians will be sole reason some people pick up a Xbox One. While the Halo franchise never quite reaches the sale numbers that say Call of Duty reaches year after year, Halo is still one of the biggest and most important gaming franchises in existence.

While many were (rightfully) worried about the baton pass from Bungie over to 343 Industries, Halo 4 proved that 343 has what it takes to create a good and potentially great Halo game. We’ll get to see later this year whether the more powerful Xbox One allows them to launch the series into the stratosphere.

Quantum Break

quantum break

Quantum Break captured the imagination of many when it was first revealed alongside the Xbox One itself back in 2013. Microsoft itself has lofty expectations for time bending third person shooter. It’s a video game mixed with a live action TV episodes tailor made according to your choices. Perfect for the Xbox One and its love of TV, right?

The expectations are pretty high and Quantum Break doesn’t have a lot of middle ground to land on. Right now it looks like it’s either going to be a groundbreaking title that melds together TV-style storytelling and video games, or just another third person shooter with flashier cutscenes. We certainly hope it’s the former!

Rise of the Tomb Raider

Rise of the Tomb Raider

While technically a timed exclusive, Rise of the Tomb Raider will be a Xbox One exclusive throughout 2015. Its announcement that it would be exclusive to Xbox One set off a firestorm of backlash from Sony fans, especially considering the big jump on units sold the PS4 had on the Xbox One early on.

Will it be worth all the drama? If the first game is any indication, it just might be. The Tomb Raider reboot was a wonderful surprise back in 2013. If Crystal Dynamics can take another step forward with Rise of the Tomb Raider, not only will Lara’s comeback be complete, but she might be back in the spotlight again really for the first time since the PS1 era games.



Smite kind of came out of no where and captured the hearts of many, especially us here at Twinfinite.  What is Smite exactly? It’s a mythology themed MOBA that has been around for a while, but emerged onto the e-sports spotlight this year thanks to its tremendous $2.6 million prize pool.

MOBAs appeal to a niche (albeit large niche) of PC gamers. Hi-rez studios, the developers behind Smite, are hoping to change that when they open up the beta exclusively on Xbox One (as far as home consoles go) early this year. Like RTS games, MOBAs haven’t exactly thrived on home consoles. Perhaps Smite can be the game that changes that; and if it does, it will definitely be one of the top Xbox exclusive games to watch out for this year.

Did we miss anything? Excited for anything above? Let us know in the comments!