Fallout 4: How to Increase Settlement Happiness

fallout 4 sanctuary hills

Fallout 4’s settlement building is a great way to pass your time in the Wasteland. Creating a stylish base for all manner of travelers to come and set up camp not only allows you to show off your creative flair, but can also harbor some fruitful rewards if you do it right.

One of the prerequisites of obtaining these rewards from your settlement is to increase the overall happiness. There are a number of ways you can do this and we’re here to help guide you to a settlement full of beaming smiles.

fallout 4 sanctuary hills

Check the Basics

Whether you’re at your settlement or on one of the long, dusty trails of the wasteland, you can always check how your settlements are getting along. The very first thing to achieve settlement happiness should always be to ensure that food and water are a plenty.

If you’re not ticking these two boxes, it makes your settlers a lot more difficult to be happy. Can you blame them? They have no food or water! In order to combat this, plant plenty of crops and build some water pumps in order to get the basics in place. Once you’ve got these down, your happiness should generally increase quite a bit. From here on out, it’s all down to a couple of neat tricks.

Oh, and don’t forget to assign workers to keep the food coming.

fallout 4 sanctuary hills


If you hope to keep the residents of your settlement happy and ensure they stick to doing their job, you must provide a bed for each one of them. You can assign each settler to a specific bed, but they will tend to find their way to a bed automatically when it becomes time for them to sleep. One way in which you can definitely increase settler happiness with beds is to make sure they’re indoors. As nice as it is to look up at the stars at night in the wasteland, putting a roof over their heads increases a settlers happiness even more.

fallout 4 sanctuary hills

Build Solid Defenses

If you’re seeing the hazard triangle next to the defense stat on your Pip-Boy or at the top of your screen when in workshop mode, you may have discovered the cause of your happiness problems. A high defense rating makes your settlement a lot less liable to a raider invasion and so will make your settlement’s inhabitants feel a lot more at ease.

Build some turrets and connect them to generators or build some guard posts and assign one of your settlers to man both of them. A single guard can man up to three posts and can, therefore, boost your defense rating by 6. Keeping settlers feeling comfortable and safe in your base will contribute greatly to increasing your happiness rating.

fallout 4 sanctuary hills

Set Up Stores

As you’re scrolling through the workshop menu in your settlement, you will have the option to build stores. Crafting stores such as a clinic, general trader, food and drink shop, and a clothes store will greatly boost the happiness of your settlement.

For these to actually have any effect on your settlement, you must assign a worker to a store. Once you do, a worker will always remain at that store during the opening times of the store. While these are a great way to build your settlement happiness, placing one of your settlers on the stores will give you a constant trickle of caps too. However, to be able to get build these stores in your settlement you must have both ranks of the Local Leader perk. Some stores, such as the Surgery Center also require additional perks such as Medic.