Bloodborne: The Old Hunters - How to Get the Bowblade


The Bowblade was one of the most prominent weapons shown off in the trailers for Bloodborne: The Old Hunters, and with good reason, too. You can wield it as a short blade, or transform it into a bow that can be used at a distance. In order to obtain the Bowblade, you must have unlocked the Lighthouse Hut lamp and encountered the NPC Simon in all four locations. He is encountered near the shortcut door that takes you back to the Hunter’s Nightmare lamp, near Ludwig’s head after you defeat him, next to the Research Hall lamp, and on the ground next to the Lighthouse Hut lamp.

If you do not see him at the Lighthouse Hut, go back to each of these locations before heading back to the Lighthouse Hut. He will give you the Bowblade.

“Church hunter Simon despised firearms, and so the Church workshop had this specially fashioned to his liking.

The large curved blade serves as a bow when transformed.

But aside from a few close friends, Simon was scoffed at for his choice of arms, for who would dare face the beasts with a measly bow?”