Destiny: The Taken King

trials of osiris year 2

If you’ve been playing Destiny Trials of Osiris year 2, you would’ve noticed that things are a bit different now. You can no longer buy boons from brother Vance and he also has a bunch of bounties which rewards tier 1, 2 and 3 packages.

Vance doesn’t sell any trials weapon or armor like he did in year 1 and you will usually get it via a drop while playing. For example in week 1, you will only get the scout rifle and Trials of Osiris boots as a drop. You can also get the ghost shell and class items for your respective characters.

The new loot system is similar to the old one in a lot of ways but it’s a lot more functional.

Here are the basic changes:

1.) Boons can be purchased from the trials passage by clicking triangle or Y button on your respective console.

2.) Bounties give you XP and also passage coins, motes of light, exotics and weapons and gear.

3.) You can only buy boons using passage coins before starting your first match.

The loot drop system has changed as well. There are two sets of gears just like year 1. One is a normal low light gear called Blindsight set and other is Trials of Osiris set which you can get as a drop.

Also you are not at the mercy of RNG. If you get to 5 wins you will get a guaranteed Trials of Osiris gear piece and if you are playing this week, it will be the boots. 7 wins will get you a weapon. The only difference is that you don’t have to make the trip to the Reef to get these items. It’s a lot more functional than the year 1 setup and it shows that Bungie is learning a lot.

Then there is the flawless lighthouse loot. If you were lucky enough to reach the lighthouse you will get a guaranteed ‘adept’ weapon and maybe an exotic at a light level higher than 310.

Are you enjoying Trials of Osiris year 2? Let us know what you think in the comments section below.