The Order 1886 (PS4) walkthrough, all collectible locations

The Order 1886 (PS4) walkthrough, all collectible locations

With this guide, you can record time in the platinum trophy in 1886
The Order pick.
As the game at any time explain to you what to do, it is sufficient to look basically at all times where there is something you can collect. Thus, you can play straight through the chapter without collectible.
Important information about the trophies:
Headshots and so on come basically almost by itself. However, it is advisable to keep these in mind. Because it does not matter for the trophies on which difficulty you play, you can also make it easy and choose the difficulty level "Easy".
An appropriate scene for the trophy for three opponents must kill with a grenade, you will find actually in almost every shot change.
Chapter 1: Prologue - Once a Knight

This is the intro of The Order 1886 . This leads you into the basic game mechanics. As elsewhere in the game you will be made aware of each step. Except for the QuickTime event at the elevator can not go wrong.
Collectible: In this chapter, there is nothing to gain.
In the first chapter, there are already a lot to gain. You should have targeted the platinum trophy, use the guides below.
In the fight against the Lycans, you should always take a chance, then Cross press as soon as it appears, and then shoot them. They are not a problem.
Newspaper 1 - Chapter I - Always Vigilant
(You can find the first newspaper on one of the tables in the property) Photo 1 - Chapter I - Always Vigilant
(The first photo is also located on one of the tables in the property)
Phonograph 1 - Chapter I - Always Vigilant
(Also, the first phonograph cylinder is located on one of the tables)
Document 1 - Chapter I - A lady waiting
(This document can be found on a garbage can in the alley on the left)
Viewing 1 - Chapter I - A lady waiting
(In addition to the above you will also find a hip flask)

Chapter 2: Under likes (Amongst Equals)


Document 2 - Chapter II - A great mind

(In Tesla's office you will find a document on a table right)

Item 2 - Chapter II - A great mind

(On another table in Tesla's office you will find an object)

Document 3 - Chapter II - A great mind

(Last but not least you can find a document on one of the tables in Tesla's office)

Chapter 3: Injustices / Inequalities
Newspaper 2 - Chapter III - After Whitechapel
(Once you have arrived in Whitechapel, you go behind the coach and run down the alley. On a keg you will find a newspaper)
Item 3 - Chapter III - After Whitechapel
(In the room that you pass through, you will find a lighted pipe on the table)
Document 4 - Chapter III - After Whitechapel
(In the basement, where the coffins are made, you will find a document)
Newspaper 3 - Chapter III - Rebel declamation
(Before you go to the brothel, you go to the rear of the alley. There is a newspaper.)
Photo 2 - Chapter III - A house of ill repute
(There is a photo on the first table in the brothel)
Item 4 - Chapter III - A house of ill repute
(There is an object on the Roullette table)
Document 5 - Chapter III - A house of ill repute
(Just before you tap your colleagues, you can find a document on a table)
Phonograph 2 - Chapter III - Good Times
(To collect this phonograph cylinder, do not climb into the attic but shimmy to the left. There you shimmy around the corner and climb onto the roof. In the box you will find probably the most overlooked phonograph cylinder in The Order 1886)

Phonograph 3 - Chapter III - Good Times
(Before you turn the crank in the attic, you will find rear right on the table a phonograph cylinder)
Document 6 - Chapter III - The Doll Queen
(After you have climbed over the car up, you can go left into a building. After the bridge a document can be found on the right side of the photo)
Object 5 - Chapter III - The Doll Queen
(This object can difficult to overlook it because it runs over.)
Document 7 - Chapter III - The Doll Queen
(In the room where the officer lying on the floor, you will find a document on a table)
Newspapers 4 - Chapter III - The Queen Dolls
(After you have placed the bridge to collapse, you will find a newspaper in the room)

Chapter 4: An Endless Battle
Document 8 - Chapter IV - Whitechapel Underground
(The lobby of the hospital there is a document on the table)
Photo 3 - Chapter IV - Stay with me
(On the left side of the room you can find the photo on a table)
Document 9 - Chapter IV - Stay with me
(In the middle of the space a document is lying on a table)
Phonograph 4 - Chapter IV - Stay with me
(In the room with the locked door is a box. In this you will find the phonograph cylinder)

Chapter 5: The Agamemnon Rising


Object 6 - Chapter V - Rules of Engagement

(Before you open the hatch, turn right. The object is located here)

Phonograph 5 - Chapter V - hijacked

(Before you take care the two guards, run to the left. There you will find the Photograph)

Newspaper 5 - Chapter V - hijacked

(Once you see two guards behind a cloth, they will cross two cabins. On the left there is a newspaper)

Phonograph 6 - Chapter V - Brave Battle

(In addition to the armory a phonograph cylinder is on the table)

Document 10 - Chapter V - Brave Battle

(In the armory there is another document)

Photo 4 - Chapter V - Brave Battle

(Stay tuned for the kitchen right. Here is the photo with the two chefs)

Chapter 6: In The Darkest Hour

Collectible: In this chapter, there is nothing to gain.

Chapter 7: The Knighthood

Collectible: In this chapter, there is nothing to gain.

Chapter 8: Under Siege

Collectible: In this chapter, there is nothing to gain.

Chapter 9: Uneasy Alliances

Document 11 - Chapter IX - Distrust
(Before you follow the Queen through the tunnel you will find a document on a table)
Phonograph 7 - Chapter IX - Distrust
(Once you have pushed the car forward, turn around and go into the right tunnel. At the end you will find a box in which is located the phonograph cylinder)
Object 7 - Chapter IX - distrust
(Go further the switch. The object is located on the table,)
Photo 5 - Chapter IX - Injured
(In the room with the pulley a photo can be found on the table)
Phonograph 8 - Chapter IX - Injured
(In the space according to the pulley can be found to the right of the door, which you shall open it, the phonograph cylinder)
Newspaper 6 - Chapter IX - Injured
(Before you go through the gap between the cars, run to the left. There, a newspaper on the table)
Photo 6 - Chapter IX - The situation is getting worse
(In the office on the first floor you will find the photo behind the desk)
Object 8 - Chapter IX - The situation is getting worse
(In the next open space is left on the shelf a model of a ship)
Phonograph 9 - Chapter IX - The situation is getting worse
(Instead of going out, crack the lock on the locked door. Back of the room there is a phonograph cylinder)
Document 12 - Chapter IX - The situation is getting worse
(In the room with the weapons you find a table on the left. In this lies the document)
Photo 7 - Chapter IX - The situation is getting worse
(Go into the room with the arms up the stairs. On the table lies the photo)
Document 13 - Chapter IX - The situation is getting worse
(Before you look for the box with the red seal, run to the left. There is a box. In the box there is a document)
Object 9 - Chapter IX - The situation is getting worse
(On the back wall of the hall stands a table. The object is located on this)

Chapter 10: Confrontations

Collectible: In this chapter, there is nothing to gain.

Chapter 11: Brothers In Arms

Newspaper 7 - Chapter XI - The "United India" house
(After you admitted the contact person, you will find rear left the newspaper on a table)
Photo 8 - Chapter XI - The "United India" house
(Examine not the crossbow, if you're in the next room. Look at the picture on the left first)
Phonograph 10 - Chapter XI - The "United India" house
(Instead of following Lucan, here you go down and open the chest. Inside is the phonograph cylinder)
Newspaper 8 - Chapter XI - Concealed Mission
(In front of the locked door in the garden is a space. Their you will find ammo and the newspaper)
Photo 9 - Chapter XI - Concealed Mission
(In the walk-through room picture lying on a table)
Object 10 - Chapter XI - Not a second too early
(After you have closed down the guard, you will find a locked door on the right. The object is located behind)
Document 14 - Chapter XI - Not a second too early
(You come to a door with an electrical box. Bridge this and you will find the document in the space behind it)
Phonograph 11 - Chapter XI - Not a second too early
(After the shooting, on the balcony you come to a room with a large table. The phonograph cylinder at its end)
Newspaper 9 - Chapter XI - Peace Keepers
(In the first room after the cutscene, you'll find the newspaper on a table)
Document 15 - Chapter XI - Looking for evidence
(On the left side of the library the document can be found on a table)
Photo 10 - Chapter XI - Looking for evidence
(At the end of the library, the photo is placed in a chest of drawers)
Phonograph 12 - Chapter XI - Looking for evidence
(The phonograph cylinder is in one of the drawers)
Phonograph 13 - Chapter XI - Looking for evidence
(In one of the cupboards, the phonograph cylinder is between two books)

Chapter 12: Traitor Amongst Us

Collectible: In this chapter, there is nothing to gain.

Chapter 13: Between Life and Death

Collectible: In this chapter, there is nothing to gain.

Chapter 14: A Knight Old

As you keep a lamp in you left hand, neither you can go into cover other weapons to use as pistols and revolvers. Try but your body if necessary to protect behind cover.
Collectible: In this chapter, there is nothing to gain.

Chapter 15: To Save a Life
Here wait the last battle in the game for you. If you are still missing trophies for weapons and / or kill, here is the last opportunity.
Newspaper 10 - Chapter XV - A seldom-used path
(Once you are in the metro station, you will find a table at the back left. In this lies the newspaper)
Document 16 - Chapter XV - A seldom-used path
(In a side room in the underground you will find the document)
Phonograph 14 - Chapter XV - A seldom-used path
(Stay tuned after the first battle on the far left. There you will find a box. This is the last phonograph cylinder)
Photo 11 - Chapter XV - A seldom-used path
(Link from the board you go to the right. There you can find the last photo)

Chapter 16: Brother's Let's Embrace

Collectible: In this chapter, there is nothing to gain.

Epilogue - No knight

This chapter consists only of cutscenes.

Collectible: In this chapter, there is nothing to gain.