Dragon Age 2 Demo Walkthrough

Dragon Age 2 Demo Walkthrough

As the sequel to BioWare’s much-loved swords-and-sorcery RPG, Dragon Age 2 has a lot to recommend it. The new title will put you in control of Hawke, a human adventurer with a real voice actor and panoply of ass-kicking abilities. Players will be able to import decisions they made in Dragon Age Origins and Awakening, much as they did between Mass Effects 1 and 2. The “Mass Effect” on the game, from a design standpoint, is also represented by a new conversation wheel, which replaces the original game’s more traditional listed choices.

Find out what’s in store with our comprehensive text and video walkthrough! Starting today, one of our writers will be guiding you through the demo as meticulously as possible. We also lists of Xbox 360 Achievements, Playstation 3 Trophies, and Cheats page, which collects useful Dragon Age 2 information. If you liked this walkthrough, check out our walkthrough for the full game!

Note: This playthrough was conducted with the male warrior. Different gender/class combinations may yield different gameplay experiences.


  • After an introductory cinematic, you’re thrown into a combat tutorial. Defeat the waves of enemies while learning your various abilities, present on the hotbar.
  • You will not need to venture away from this area; the enemies will come to you.
  • Right-click on enemies to attack them. For hotbar abilities, either click the hotbar or press the corresponding hotkey number. Some powers require you to left-click on a target to attack it. If you’re already engaging the target, it will auto-attack.
  • Press R to engage the closest enemy.
  • Use area of effect attacks when dealing with groups of enemies, and use stunning and heavy-hitting attacks on single enemies, like the giant ogre.
  • When the ogre enters battle, he will charge. Side-step to avoid being knocked prone.

Chapter 1

  1. The game opens with an interactive cutscene that offers you conversation paths.
  2. Once the cutscene ends, click on the dead refugee a few feet ahead. If you are a warrior, you may switch from your two-handed sword to a sword and shield.
  3. Move down the path, following the minimap in the top-right corner westward.
  4. Fight the gang of Hurlocks ahead. More will come at you from behind. During battle, you may switch between your character, the mage, and the warrior, to use their abilities.
  5. After your first battle, your main character will level up. Distribute attribute points as you see fit; in general, a warrior will want strength and constitution, a mage will want magic and willpower, and a rogue will want dexterity and cunning. Select whatever ability fits your play style.
  6. Loot dead bodies. The inventory menu is locked in the demo, but you can still use the potions you find, as they are added to the right side of your hotbar.
  7. Continue west. After another cutscene, there will immediately be battle ahead.
  8. This battle will lead into another cutscene, where two warriors will join your party. One is wounded and will not help in battle.
  9. As the cutscene ends, you will enter combat once more. After this battle, some of your characters may level up.
  10. Another interactive cutscene will start, in which the wounded man threatens your character’s sister. If you defend her in the conversation option, you’ll gain 15 friendship points with her.
  11. Continue along the path, south-east, until you run into the next fight. During the fight, enemies will approach from behind.
  12. Continue south-east, into the next group of enemies. There will be a pair of archers on a ledge; you’ll need to move beyond them, make a U-turn to the left and double back to reach them.
  13. Continue down the path. Around the bend, a tough battle awaits, including an enemy mage. Drink potions when you need them, and protect your mage.
  14. Explore the alcove to the south-west and loot the chest.
  15. Continue West until the cutscene. An ogre attacks and kills your brother (or sister, if you are playing a mage). You’re in for your most difficult battle yet. Remember to select injured characters and make them drink potions.
  16. A cutscene will lead into another battle. You’ll be rapidly overrun, but don’t worry–a titular dragon is about to save you.
  17. A final interactive cutscene will end this chapter.

Chapter 2

  1. A cutscene will lead right into a battle. Pause immediately and level up two of your secondary characters. Each will have 12 attribute points and 3 ability points to spend.
  2. Your characters are higher level than in Chapter 1, so you have many more abilities at your disposal. If you need to, pause the game during the battle to examine what your new powers do.
  3. After the battle, follow Isabela. If you lose sight of her, check your minimap. She will head westward into another battle.
  4. Once the enemies are defeated, continue following Isabela West, up the steps.
  5. Click on the Chantry to enter it. You will enter an interactive cutscene that will lead into the final battle of the demo.