Kingdom Quest Walkthrough [Guide]

To those who have a fascination with medieval times and would love to get a chance to live during that period, then Kingdom Quest is arguably the closest that they could get, as this social city building simulation game will allow you to build the kingdom of your dreams by managing your workers, buildings, and other resources in order to expand on and improve your empire in the best way possible.

Kingdom Quest is a social city simulation building game where players can do whatever they want in order to design their very own kingdom. Players will have to begin from scratch, with very limited resources, and they must build up those resources in order to purchase buildings, hire workers, plant crops, put up stalls, and even purchase decorations so that you can beautify your territory as well as earn coins.

Groats are the game’s premium currency, and pretty much looks like a silver coin. Groats can be used almost anywhere, such as in the store when purchasing items, and can be earned by selling items as well completing quests and leveling up.

Florins, on the other hand, are the premium currencies within the game.  This can be used to purchase special items in the shop, as well as be able to skip ahead of certain tasks in order to save time. Florins are much more valuable than groats. However, these are also very hard to come by and so must be conserved as much as possible.

Leveling Up
As players complete tasks, they will earn experience points. Once enough experience points have been earned, players will be able to level up, which will earn them different rewards such as groats, speedups, keys, and other items which will help in further improving their land. Leveling up will also cause other items to unlock, making them accessible in the shop and marketplace, or via other means.

There are different kinds of plots within Kingdom Quest, without which you cannot place certain items within your land. Castle plots are required before you are able to place furniture and decorations, workers, as well as stalls where you would be selling your wares. Farm plots, in turn, are needed before you can place plants, mines, or animals for farming or mining needs.

Speedups are items that can be used in order to speed up a task that would otherwise take a considerable time to complete. Different tasks require a different number of speedups, though this would provide a great advantage of instantly completing a task. Speedups can be earned by leveling up.

Some items or resources may require a certain number of keys before they could be unlocked. Some require multiple keys, while others would require only one. Keys are earned and can be collected by leveling up.

There are several types of buildings that can adorn your kingdom, some of which are for decorative purposes, while others serve specific purposes such as for storing of items, trading, selling, or crafting. It is important to know the functions of each item available, and even more would be unlocked as players level up.

Tables, chairs, and buildings serve as decorations within the area. Tables and chairs are also necessary so that citizens will be able to have a place to eat. Some buildings serve no value except for aesthetic purposes, but these can greatly enhance the look of your kingdom, so don’t be stingy with your Groats if you have some to spare.

Plots, as mentioned above, are areas that you must purchase so that you can place certain items above them. These serve as placeholders for workers, animals, stalls, farms, and other items and structures within the game.

Stalls are areas where you can sell off items that you have collected or crafted. You can put up more stalls in order to be able to sell more products, though stall licenses must also be bought as well.

Trade guilds work in pretty much the same way as stalls. Once constructed, you can trade your items for other products that you might require or otherwise do not have. While not that great an option in the financial sense, trading is a great way to procure items that are otherwise difficult to produce or collect by more conventional means.

The Store and The Pantry are buildings where you can place items that you have collected and created. These serve as your inventory area where you can place your items while they are not in use.

Workers are an important part of your kingdom. They are in charge of tasks such as cooking and crafting, and they can only do one task at a time. Thus, having a good sized number of workers is essential in order to be able to perform a lot of tasks.

Be mindful, though, of sleeping workers. Workers tend to go to sleep once they have performed what is asked of them, and players can earn extra experience points if they wake workers up from their slumber.

Kingdom Quests allows players to create other items from other resources that you have gathered and collected. The Book of Making contains all of the recipes that you can create. Here, you can view all the required ingredients as well as purchase the items that you do not have. You would also be able to view how may you can create with each batch, how long it would take to be completed, and how much you can sell it for.

Once a recipe has been selected and all ingredients have been accounted for, workers would now work on processing it. After some time, or instantly if you chose to use Speedups, the cooking or crafting would be completed, and you can choose to sell it in your stalls or trade it for other items. However, if you are selling food, you will need an area for your citizens to eat it. Thus, you will have to put up a Castle Plot as well as tables and chairs for citizens to dine in.

It is very important to take note of which items you do not have when looking at recipes. You also have to take into consideration how many resources your farms or animals have left in them before they disappear, so you can plan ahead as to which items you would have to purchase and collect. Also, be mindful of the number of keys in your possession, as there may be items that are locked within your desired recipe.

Quests and Achievements
Quests are tasks that are integral within the game. They serve as tutorials and will also teach you on the various things that you can do within your kingdom. Some quests may also require the assistance of friends, or you can use Florins to complete them instantly.

Medals and achievements, on the other hand, also work like quests, but these serve more like challenges, and you can complete these at any time, as compared to quests where more would unlock only when you have completed previous quests.

Completing both quests as well as medals and achievements will earn you groats, experience points, as well as other rewards, so make sure to check up on what is available so that you may focus your efforts in completing those required tasks.

From time to time, characters will also offer specific quests, which are not part of your quest list. Players should click on them and see what is required of them. These, of course, are rewarded with cash, experience points, and other items as well.

Daily Bonus
Daily bonuses, as with other similar games, are available within Kingdom Quest. These, however, come in the form of taxes to be paid by the citizens. The more you play, the bigger your reward, and you can even choose not to collect for a day, earning you a bigger reward for the next day. Take note of when the bonus is at its highest, and collect on that day in order to get the biggest profit possible.

Social Function
With Kingdom Quest’s social function, players can send gifts to friends who are also playing the game. Similarly, friends can also provide you with items that you can use to further expand and improve on your territory. Players can also visit other kingdoms and help out with tasks for great bonuses and rewards. Players can do five tasks for a friend each day.

Kingdom Quest is a great game developed by Playdemic that would allow players to create the kingdom of their dreams. It allows for great fun, and the challenges of running a bustling kingdom with different types of workers, businesses, and tasks to perform are very stimulating indeed. Players would get to enjoy managing workers and resources in order to earn groats that they can use to further expand on their kingdom. It is a fun and enjoyable game that would surely test out your leadership skills in a setting laid out in old times, but with enough elements and challenges that will get you hooked for hours and hours.