Total Domination – Reborn Walkthrough [Guide]

The world is torn asunder by war, and it has been divided into sectors of which you own one. Amidst mutants, cyborgs, and other sectors wanting to take your area for their own, you must expand your resources – as well as your forces – in order to defend your land, and take control of other areas as well. It will take great leadership and management skills to survive in this apocalyptic world and this guide will help you make the most and survive based on what you have been given.

Total Domination – Reborn is a building simulation game, where players are tasked with expanding their sector while collecting resources, constructing different buildings, and enhancing your troops for offensive and defensive purposes. The game revolves around research and upgrades, and knowing which particular technology or troop to unlock first is essential in making the most out of the game. There are also other sectors to explore, which would mean that you would need a strong army to defeat enemies as well as help out allies. Time management is also very important, as some tasks cannot be queued up, and players would have to wait until an upgrade, construction, or research has been completed in order to move on to the next item in your agenda.

Currencies within the game work as resources that are needed from construction, training troops, research, and other tasks. These are credits, titanium, and uranium, and can be collected in a variety of ways. These resources can either be collected through vaults and mines, or can be given as rewards for completing tasks or winning battles. However, players must keep in mind that there is a maximum capacity for these items, so it is important to build additional storage for these so that they would not go to waste.

Crystals, on the other hand, are the premium currency within Total Domination – Reborn. Crystals will allow players to speed up tasks, especially those that will take a couple of hours to complete. Crystals can also be used to purchase high quality tech in the Black Market, which will allow players to get items that they would otherwise not be able to acquire. Crystals can be acquired by completing quests and by leveling up, but those who require a large quantity of these can also acquire them through in-app purchases.

Leveling Up
Performing actions within the game, primarily with completing missions, will allow players to earn experience points. Once enough XP has been earned, players will level up, and this will reward players with Crystals as well as unlock items for building or purchase. This is very important as you would not be able to progress much without leveling up.

There are several buildings that can be constructed, and there are differing costs for each which would require a combination of Uranium, Titanium, and Credits to build. Construction will take anywhere to a few seconds to hours, but this can be sped up using Crystals. Buildings have different purposes, such as generating or storing resources, building troops, researching tech, and many more. Players may choose to upgrade buildings so that they would be able to perform their tasks better.

It is important to note that, initially, only one construction or upgrade can be done at a time. Players can purchase engineers using Crystals to circumvent this, as more engineers will allow them to perform multiple tasks at the same time, saving a lot of time for the player.

Research is a very important part of the game, as it will help unlock even more buildings, troops, and functions within the game. Like buildings, only one type of research can be done at a time, and it would also require time as well as resources to complete. Total Domination – Reborn utilizes a tech tree format where succeeding technologies can only be researched once research for lower tiers has been completed. Having a lot of tech completed will allow players to develop better buildings and train stronger troops.

Troops are part of your army which will serve as your offensive and defensive forces. Troops can be awarded during missions, although the main way to get your army growing and improving is through training them in the Barracks, which is another type of building that can be built. Troops have different costs and training times, and some units must require players to reach a certain level or have a certain type of technology researched in order to unlock. Each type of troop has different strengths and abilities, so being able to pit them against enemies that have weaknesses against a certain type of troop is essential to victory. Of course, having a lot of troops does not hurt as well. As a result, make it a point to train troops whenever the barracks is idle and if you have enough resources to do so.

Total Domination – Reborn revolves around the completion of missions. Missions will require players to perform one to a series of tasks, and the game will then reward the player with crystals, resources, and experience once a mission has been completed. Missions include building structures, upgrading buildings, training troops, and many more. Completing missions is an essential part of the game so make it a point to complete as many of them as much as possible whenever you can, as this is the easiest and fastest way to unlock more in the game.

Players can also do multiple quests at once. Once a particular quest has been completed, the game will prompt you. Also, there is a menu located at the top center of the screen which will inform you of the status of some of your assigned tasks, so this is a good way to review just how you are doing and how long before a specific mission would be completed.

In both mission based and PvP combat, players will have the chance to deploy their forces against an enemy. Victory depends on how many and how strong your deployed troops are. Thus, make sure that you have a healthy amount of powerful troops that can work well against the enemy. Winning battles will provide you with some great rewards such as resources, so make it a point to battle against others if you have the troops to spare.

Battles are passive, which means that you would only have to wait until the battle is completed, which is determined by a timer. After the timer runs out, you will be able to see the results as well as any rewards that you may have acquired. Players can participate in multiple battles for as long as they have enough troops to deploy.

Social Function
Total Domination – Reborn also has a social function where players can connect the game to their Facebook account. Players can chat with other players, and they also join a clan in order to form alliances with them. Of course, players would also be able to battle each other for rewards. Players would also be expected to defend their territory from attackers, as well. Fortunately, players will not be attacked unless they reach a certain level, which would allow them more time to upgrade their own defenses by training more troops and gathering more resources to further improve their empire.