Ride to Hell: Retribution Walkthrough [Guide]

Written by Dalton “HorrorSpooky” Cooper and Trade
Copyright 2013

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01. Introduction and Controls
02. Walkthrough

03. Conclusion

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01. Introduction and Controls
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02. Walkthrough
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The game starts with a sort of confusing as hell prologue for you to sink your
teeth into. As Jake, you start off with a turret sequence. Use the red barrels
to blow up the Devil’s Hand bikers that come up the hill. Shoot the stragglers.

After that, you have to complete a brawling QTE segment. Complete the QTE by
pressing the buttons that flash on the screen like any other QTE segment in any
other game.

Now the first level officially begins. Watch the cut-scenes, but the first
thing you do that actually requires any controls is chase after Mikey on your
bike. You can’t lose Mikey or else you will fail the mission. Drive down the
street and use the ramps and pipes to your advantage.

Catching up to Mikey triggers more cut-scenes. Then you are fleeing from the
Devil’s Hand bikers with Mikey on the back. There is a timer that pops up and
your goal is to survive until the time runs out. Bikers will ride up beside
you and then you have to mash on whatever button that pops up to knock them
off their bike.

To Top

This next mission begins with you driving your motorcycle–we in the bizz
refer to them as “hogs”–on your way to the airforce base. Just drive straight
down the road, for the most part. There are a couple instances where oil
tankers park in the middle of the road. You have to powerslide under them by
holding Y down.

Upon arriving at the base, you will be taught the basic combat mechanics of the
game. Use X and A to attack. Press Y when the “Y” icon appears above the heads
of your enemies to counter their attacks. Defeat all the thugs that show up to
complete this mission.

Walk across the street to the motel. Go up the stairs and walk by the doors.
Anvil will flee out of one of the doors, so then chase him down the stairs.
Take a left and go across the street to find your bike. You have to get to it
before the time runs out.

Chase Anvil down the road. His buddies will try to attack you. Press the
buttons that appear on the screen and mash them to get rid of them as they
ride up close to you. Jake will chase Anvil all the way to a garage area, where
Anvil will successfully escape.

To Top

Ride down the road. You’ll be attacked by enemy bikers. Mash the buttons to get
rid of them and keep riding until you arrive at the house. Walk to the front
porch and then fight the three thugs. Once they’re defeated, watch the cut-
scene. Listen to Mack, then get back on your bike.

Before you can get guns, you have to prove yourself. Beat up the two soldiers
to do just that. Then you have to practice with the guns at the firing range.
Start at the left lane to learn how to use the pistol. You can also practice
with the cover mechanics by holding LB to get into cover and tapping it again
to get out of cover.

After practicing with the pistol, practice with the other two guns by doing
the middle and right range respectively. Once you’ve used all the guns, you
will automatically be back at the garage. Move forward and go up the stairs.
Draw your gun and peak around the corner in the next room to see an enemy
sitting on a chair talking to a guy that’s standing. Take them both out and
then go into this room.

Interact with the controls on the wall to open the shutter in the warehouse
area. Shoot through the window and then kill everyone that you can from up
here. Once they stop coming, go down to the warehouse area and then go through
the now-open shutter. As soon as enemies appear, turn around and pick them off
from the safety of the warehouse.

Kill all the enemies and then the game basically becomes a tower-climbing fest.
Clear a room, go through the door, then go up the stairs and keep repeating the
process. There’s nothing much to mention, except that you will be taught about
Rage attacks. This happens when melee fighting with an enemy and a “B” appears
above their head. Tap B to perform an execution-style attack.

You will also meet a new enemy type that wears a hockey mask that apparently
protects them from bullets. Shoot them repeatedly in the torso to kill them
effectively. Keep chasing Anvil through the area and you’ll eventually get a
new gun. Pick it up and go into the elevator.

When the elevator comes to a stop, shoot the red tanks to get rid of most of
the enemies in the room. Pick off the stragglers, and then exit this room by
approaching the door Anvil went through and pressing B.

This mission takes place entirely on the back of Mack’s motorcycle. Jake plays
the role of gunner for this mission, with a heavy machinegun to use and
everything! Kill all the enemy bikers and also shoot Anvil whenever you have
the opportunity.

Upon catching up with Anvil and killing all his biker buddies, you will have a
time limit to finish the job. Shoot him as much as possible before the timer
runs out, and you should have no problem getting him killed before all the gas
runs out of Mack’s bike.

This mission is literally just a cut-scene.

This is the hub world. For now to continue the story, go to the bulletin board
outside of Mack’s shop and choose the next level to continue.

Firstly, this mission begins with a brawling segment. Beat up the thugs. Then
it turns into a race. This race can be kind of frustrating if you don’t know a
few tricks about it, so let me enlighten you.

Occasionally, if you push the left analog stick forward, your bike will get an
added boost. Whenever there is a long stretch of road in front of you, take
advantage of this to get ahead of Farley. Whenever you need to know where
Farley is, click in the left analog stick to find out if he is in front of you
or behind you. He is represented by the typical objective marker.

There are a few shortcuts throughout the track that give you a significant
lead. They are very obviously placed as well. Basically, whenever you see a
ramp or path off the side of the road, take it because that is the direction
you need to go. Otherwise just follow the road. There is one instance where
a fallen over tree needs to be bypassed with a Powerslide maneuver, but
otherwise it is a straight-forward race.

Kill the bikers as they get close. There are a couple of signs that will fall
into the road, but they can be avoided with a Powerslide. You’ll also have to
shoot enemies off their bikes. The cursor will pop up, and then to shoot, just
press RB. That’s all you need to know, really, for this. Remember to Powerslide
under the tanker at the end.

You have to fight four different people in the boxing ring. They become
progressively more challenging, though you certainly do not need to be a master
of the fighting mechanics in this game to take them out effectively. Each
fight ends in a series of QTEs.

The final fight is with Meathook. The only difference with him is that he will
grab you repeatedly and you have to do QTEs to break free of his Bear Hug-like
grapple. Then at the end of the fight, you have to press B to activate your
Rage attack and finish him off.

Another cut-scene, and then another biking segment. This time there will be
cops chasing you down the road except for your enemy bikers. The same attacks
apply for them. Besides that, all you need to do is watch out for the spikes
they roll out onto the road to act like tire traps. For the most part,
weaving from left to right is the easiest way to avoid them.

At the end of this mission, a billboard will blow up (why a wooden billboard
is exploding, I couldn’t tell you), which in turn creates a makeshift ramp
over the police barricade. Boost up the ramp by tilting the left analog stick
forward and you’ll sail right over the barricade.

Another biking segment? Sure, why not. Let’s throw a timer into the mix, too.
Okay, so in this mission, you have two minutes to reach the bar. You have to
basically do perfect from the start to finish in order to do this properly.
Okay, so it starts with shooting against the enemy bikers, then it is followed
by some hazard dodging.

A gas tanker will pull into the road. If you hit Y and hold it quick enough,
then you can Powerslide under the tanker. Otherwise, you have to veer sharply
to the right to avoid smashing into the tanker. Then there will be another
shooting segment. Stick to the left-hand side of the road on the other end of
the tunnel, and then veer left and right to avoid hitting the concrete
barricades as you continue.

Finally, you will reach the bar. What follows is an easy combat sequence in
which you can just button mash to beat up all the enemy bikers in the bar.
Once they’re defeated, Jake gets a…reward.

Turn around and run to the gas station. Defeat the yellow-shirted enemies
here. You get a tomahawk for this mission that makes the melee fighting even
more effective.

Then you are in control of the tanker. Just drive it down the road. Swerve a
lot to avoid enemy fire and to knock enemies off their bikes. You will finally
reach your destination, and then a timer will get slapped on there for good

Use your gun to clear out the enemies in the first area. Pick up their ammo
and guns and then continue into the powerplant. Whenever you come across an
area that is covered with electricity, shoot the blue panel near it to disable
the electricity, and then continue to the powerplant.

You are timed, so you will want to avoid melee fights. Many of the enemies here
lack guns, so they will charge you and try to force you into hand-to-hand
combat. Back up and just shoot them all as you push through the facility. You
will eventually reach an electrical field that has no blue panel in sight.

Roll over that electricity and then turn around to see the panel. Shoot it if
you wish, then you’ll be able to reach the final electrical patch blocking
the way. The blue panel is a bit farther back than usual. Shoot it to disable
the electricity and then pick up the rifle.

Aim the rifle across the river. Shoot the oil tanker that you drove into the
fence repeatedly. It will start to catch fire. Keep shooting it and then it
will finally blow up and the mission is complete!

Approach the ranch. Use the hay bales for cover as you fight your way to the
front door. Go to the front door of the house and press B. It won’t budge, so
go around the house to the left. The garage doors open up and enemies spill

Kill the enemies and make your way through the house. At the end of the house,
you will be chased by a combine. Ignore the enemies as you make your way
around the hay bales. At the end of this fight, you have to brawl with some
enemies. If you get them close enough to the now-stationery combine, you can
use it to kill them.

Kill the enemies through the next barn and then make your way to the barn
where Colt resides. Once inside, fight your way to him and watch the scene.
After it plays out, sprint out of the burning barn by holding RB. Avoid all
the objects that are on fire, which means, well, avoid everything, until you
reach the exit of the barn.

The first stretch of this is just a matter of going from room to room and killing everyone. The real meat of the thing comes once you finally reach the plane that Cole is hiding in. Use cover and go around the left side. Kill all the enemies that spawn. There will be three waves of them, and this angle should give you a significant advantage.

Then get behind cover and face Cole directly. Let him shoot the gun until he has to reload, and then shoot him from afar. Keep doing this until he is knocked down and retreats into the plane. Cautiously approach the plane and kill the enemies inside before focusing on Cole and shooting him until he is dead and a cut-scene is triggered.