Gone Home [Guide]

Gone Home is a visceral experience from the folks at the Fullbright Company. The game is available currently for PC, Mac, and Linux.

Gone Home
Written by Dalton “HorrorSpooky” Cooper and Trade
Copyright 2013

The *ONLY* sites that have permission to use this guide are CheatMasters.com

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E-mail: [email protected]

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1. Introduction and Controls
2. Walkthrough
3. Conclusion

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1. Introduction and Controls
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Gone Home is an experience that is truly unique. Since a lot of the enjoyment from the game comes directly from the story that is being told, I am going to do my absolute best to avoid story spoilers. I will only mention gameplay and how to get from point A to point B. This will help you in case you get stuck and don’t know where to go next, but otherwise I recommend exploring the house at your own leisure to see exactly what it has to offer.

A variety of control inputs are available. The ones listed below is the default control scheme.

W – Up
A – Left
S – Down
D – Right
C/Shift – Crouch
1 – Inventory
2 – Map
Mouse – Look
Left Click – Select/Throw
Right Click – Examine

To Top

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2. Walkthrough
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At the start of the game, the front door is locked. Turn to the left to see a cupboard. Open the doors and there will be a “Christmas Duck” decoration sitting there. Pick up the duck and then drop it. The key is underneath where the duck was sitting. Pick up the key and then use it to enter the house.

The next goal is to get your map full up. Do this by exploring each room at your own pace. When ready to continue, go upstairs and go to the sewing room. Open the folder in this room to find a map and examine the map. Then head to the parents’ bedroom. Look on your map to see the location of the secret passage and explore the passage to find another map that will mark various secret panels on your own map.

Go to the panels and pull them off the wall to find various goodies on the other side, including the combination to Sam’s locker. Sam’s locker (located in Sam’s room upstairs) combination is as follows:


Put it in and then you can get the key to the basement. The basement is located downstairs. Go down the stairs and then facing the front door, take a right and explore that hallway to find the basement door.

The basement will allow you to access the greenhouse as you move through the kitchen/dining room areas. There is a map in the greenhouse that marks yet another secret passage on your own map.

Go to that secret passage now. You’ll find the attic key in here, sitting on a box. Go back upstairs and in the halls you’ll find the attic with a bunch of red Christmas lights surrounding it. Use the attic key to get into the attic.

At the end of the attic is the final objective of the game. You’ll know it when you see it.

To Top

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3. Conclusion
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I hope this guide helped you complete Gone Home!