Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z [Guide]

Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z is a non-canon spinoff of the popular Ninja Gaiden
action series…with zombies!

Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z [Guide]
Written by Dalton “HorrorSpooky” Cooper and Trade
Copyright 2014

The *ONLY* sites that have permission to use this guide are CheatMasters.com

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1. Introduction and Controls
2. Missions

War Zone
Old Town
Ryu Hayabusa
Forge Headquarters
Another Dimension
3. Conclusion

- – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - -
1. Introduction and Controls
- – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - -
Yaiba has been killed by Ryu Hayabusa! Now Yaiba is fighting his way back to
humanity by slicing through hordes of zombies with one goal on his mind:

RT – Grab
RB – Block/Counter
Y – Heavy Attack
X – Light Attack
B – Chain/Enemy Weapon
A – Dash

TIP: Yaiba has the ability to go into a sort of rage mode whenever you have
the symbol on the upper left hand corner of the screen full of blood, which
is accomplished by performing Executions on enemies. To activate this ability,
click in both the left and right sticks simultaneously. This will make you
invincible for a short period of time and also allow you to kill most enemies
with extreme ease.

It is advisable to save this until you are very close to death. This way you
can cheat death for a little bit and get a bunch of kills in as well.

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2. Missions
- – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - -

The first area of the game is called “Working Stiffs”. This introduces you to
the basic combat in Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z. Combat deals with three face
buttons:  Y, X, and B. Slice your way through the zombies, which will just
keep spawning, and just keep murdering them like crazy. Try your hand at
different combos and become accustomed to how the combat works in the game.

Once the zombies have been sufficiently murdered, a helicopter will attack.
A short scene will play, and then a new enemy type will be revealed. The
infected torsos will jump on you, showing you how status effects work in the

When these things are on you, the rim of the screen will be covered in zombie
hands that are groping for you. Other status effects will be similar, so
if you’re on fire, there will be fire around the screen, etc.

To get rid of status effects, push the A button. This will cause Yaiba to
do the “dodge” move, which will help get rid of status effects. Kill the
torsos (do not use the “B” button move as it is tough to hit them with that)
and then when they’re dead, pull either LT or push LB to note the nearby
structural weakness of the wall.

Go over and press Y against the wall. Y is the heavy attack, and since the
wall had a fist on it when pushed LT/LB, that means it is destructible. In the
next room, there will be tougher military style zombies to fight. Luckily there
is only two of them and they are standing close together, so you can hit them
both pretty much simultaneously and not have to worry about them getting any
hits in.

They will start to fly in the air and a yellow box will appear with a red
exclamation point inside. This indiciates the chance to perform an Execution
move. Pull LT to perform the execution. Executions are extremely important in
the game. When you do executions, the enemies will drop red healing orbs that
you can use to replenish your health.

In the next mob of zombies, utilize your newly learned skills to kill all of
the zombies here, including the new exploding type of zombies. In order to
kill them and still keep your distance, use the flail by pressing B.

Jump across the next gap you reach. A wall be in the way that can’t be
destroyed with your Y move. Jump back over the gap and there will be a zombie
standing here with a yellow exclamation point above his head. Pick him up by
pulling RT. Throw him across the gap by aiming at the obstacle and pulling RT
again to destroy it.

Now you are free to continue. The helicopter will show back up. Perfect time to
learn about blocking and countering, no? Hold RB to block the machinegun fire
from the helicopter. Then the helicopter will start firing missiles. Pull RB
at the last second to counter and throw the missile back at the helicopter.

Do this a couple of times and the helicopter will be destroyed. Next up is a
platforming segment. This is pretty straight-forward. Arrows indicate the
direction you need to push the left stick. Press A to jump from place to place,
and when you come to objects on the walls that require you to swing off them,
press B to utilize the flail in these situations.

Next up is a zombie enemy that has a lot of health and has attacks that can’t
be broken up by attacks. Hold in RB to block his attacks (a white circle will
appear by his hands when he’s about to attack), and then lay into him while
you can. This type of enemy also has a move where he starts waving his arms
around like crazy, then charges you and attempts to grab you and slam you to
the ground. This does a lot of damage. Avoid it by dodging out of the way.

Climb up the nearby wall and use the flail to get out of this room. Another
helicopter will show up and start firing machineguns and rockets at you. Toss
a rocket back at it, and then zombies will climb up on the platform.

Grab one of the zombies with RT and then use it as a weapon against the
others by pressing B. You can throw these extra weapons aside by pulling
RT again. Just keep killing the row of zombies until eventually a jets start
raining missiles down on you.

The missiles are very easy to dodge. It shows you exactly where they’re going
to fall, and you just have to dodge out of the way to avoid taking damage
from them. Zombies will start appearing more, so kill them while simultaneously
avoiding the missiles.

An armored helicopter will appear. Defeating the armored helicopter can be a
pain because of the mass amount of zombies, but what you need to do is grab a
zombie, get away from the crowd, and then chuck the zombie at the armored

Alternatively, you can just try to step away from the zombie crowd and then
grab the missiles that the helicopter fires. This will take more times than
usual, but not if you soften it up by chucking the zombies at it first.

To Top

Slaughter the first alleyway of zombies. Take a right down the street towards
the manhole that has a light on it. A psychotic zombie clown type enemy will
come out of the sewers, equipped with butcher knife nunchucks!

This clown enemy has a lot of health and powerful attacks, but its attacks
can be blocked, and avoided just like everybody else, so while it does take a
bit longer to kill it, it’s really not htat huge of a threat. Once the clown
has been hurt enough, you can perform an execution.

Unlike the other executions, you don’t just have to pull LT. This time you will
have to mash on the button that appears on the screen as well at the end of the
execution in order to perform it properly.

The clown will drop the nun-chuckles nunchucks that you can use by pressing
B. They basically take the place of your flail, like the other secondary
weapons do. Picking up zombies with RT counts as a secondary weapon as well,
by the way, since it functions in the exact same way.

A bunch more zombies will spawn. Take them out with your fancy new toys if
you want. If you get bored of them, just pull RT to drop them. To exit this
area after the zombies are all killed, you’ll need to destroy the wall at the
end of the street.

Go to the zombie that is shown to you in the scene. Notice the blood on the
ground and on the ledge where the zombie is standing. These stains indicate
a place where you can jump or climb by pressing A. Anyway, jump up there and
grab the zombie. Get back down and run down the street about halfway. Chuck
the zombie at the wall before it explodes on your flail. Continue through to
the other side for more zombie killing.

After that, it’s just a straight forward run to the graveyard/church area.
Here you will meet a new enemy type, the Zombride. This enemy has an electric
shield around them, and they are a lot more intimidating at first glance.
Their electrical attack is easy to dodge, and then when they are on the
ground, just hit them with a flail and their shield will break. At that point,
just keep attacking until she dies–like the clown, you will need to mash on a
button at the end of the execution in order to kill her.

You’ll also be taught how to use the “Bloodlust” special ability. When the
symbol in the upper lefthand corner of the screen is full of blood, push in
both the left and right stick to enter “Bloodlust” mode, which will allow you
to kill everything a lot easier.

Keep killing the mobs of zombies that spawn here, which will also include a
second Zombride. Platforming arrows will appear on the church, so use them to
continue. Again, it’s just straight-forward until you come to a construction
machine and a path being blocked. Throw a zombie into the construction vehicle
to destroy the path.

The next puzzle comes in the form of a water pipe and a fire blocking your
way. Grab the zombie near the fire and hop back down. A ton of grenadier
zombies will have spawned there, so quickly ditch the zombie, and climb back
up the water tank. Grab a new zombie, go back down, and then throw it at the
water pipe so that it turns to the left and puts out the fire blocking your

The next few areas will feature more battles, including one with fire zombies.
Fire zombies are easy to kill. Just treat them like normal zombies. If they
touch you, you will catch on fire, so dodge a bunch to get the fire to go

You’ll come to a shop that needs destroyed. Push LB to find the destructible
wall. Smash through the wall and there will be a zombie just hanging out on
the other side of an iron fence. Grab the zombie and take it to the semi truck
parked at the opposite end of the street in relation to the shop. Throw the
zombie into the truck and it will drive the truck into the truck.

Next up is a new fire enemy that fires blasts at you. This enemy is once
again pretty easy to defeat, but the execution will require button mashing.
His weapon that you get will allow you to shoot fireballs as well. It is
very useful in clearing out the mass amount of zombies that spawn after you
defeat the dude.

The next area is pretty tricky, mainly because you have to throw a zombie OFF
the freaking screen, but whatever. Climb up the boiler tanks and wait for the
steam to subside. Then dash across the catwalk and drop down to the zombies
there. Kill them so that there’s only one remaining, one that is on fire. Pick
him up, and then throw him off screen to the left. This will smash him into
the gate that you need to go through to continue.

A new element in enemy combat is introduced next. You can throw enemies that
are on fire at enemies that are imbued with electricity to create little
storms that will damage all the other enemies around them. It’s honestly not
that useful, but now you know how to do it at least.

Move through the office area, and then take a right at the big metal gate.
There will be three rows of electrical barriers. Wait for one to go away, then
move in between it and the second one. Then just keep doing this all the way
down the aisle until you get to the zombie that is behind the slightly broken

Grab the zombie and retreat to the room with the big metal gate, but be careful
of the electrical barriers. Toss the zombie into the machine and he will cause
the gate to open. Boss fight next.

This boss fight, in a section of the level called “Wag the Dog”, can be quite
difficult if you don’t take advantage of dodging. It may be tempting to just
constantly hit the boss with a flail attack from afar, but this will take
forever and still leaves you wide open for attacks.

The boss has a variety of moves. When the symbols appear on the ground like
the jet missiles, DODGE out of there to avoid being stomped on. When attacking
the “dog”, Yaiba will constantly slide under him. A spark of electricity will
appear under his stomach and then he will drop to the ground in an attempt to
squash you, so be sure to dodge out of the way and then continue laying into
him with combos.

When about half of his health is gone, the boss will squat down and shoot
fire from his front. This move does a ton of damage, but if you can get to
his side when he’s doing it, it leaves him wide open to attack. Just nail his
hind legs and you can deal a significant amount of damage without worry of

Once the boss has a little less than a quarter of health left, you can perform
an execution. Mash the button that appears on the screen and Yaiba will rip
the boss’s cannon off. Use that cannon to kill the rest of the zombies that
show up. You may have to go back to using your regular slew of attacks instead
of the cannon if you run out of ammo, but that shouldn’t be a problem.

To Top

Run along the pipe, and then use your chain as necessary to navigate all the
way through this area. This platforming segment ends with you having to press
Y to smash through the wall. Then keep hitting Y (Triangle on PS3) to smash
through the big orange crystals that are in your way. Slaughter the small
packs of zombies as you move down the tunnel.

Upon landing, you are introduced to a couple of new enemy types. The first is
a fairly weak enemy in a biohazard suit that vomits everywhere. They are
easily killed and basically just for farming health. Defeat the first couple
of waves of them, and then you have to deal with the “Heavy” version of this
enemy type.

This comes in the form of a woman that spits acidic vomit everywhere and,
when you back her into a corner, can unleash a wide-reaching attack with
similar properties.

Upon defeating her, you get the Hagpipes. Test them out against the zombies
that spawn. Then climb up the hook, and defeat the first batch of enemies where
you land. Then head over to the next area and you’ll have to fight the fire
dudes. Pick up the large fire guy’s weapon and use it against the next wave
of enemies that spawn, then use your chain to get across the gap.

Electric zombies here, but there is an added threat of puddles. If they use
one of their electrical attacks on you and you’re standing in the puddle, or
if they hit the puddle and you’re standing in it, you will take a lot more
damage than usual.

When this is done, start the next platforming section. You will get to a
tough spot where there is drainage going down the wall, and there is an
enemy standing in the pipe. It’s hard to tell, but she has a glow on her. You
have to hit Y or Triangle in order to get up there, and then continue the

After landing, move down the next tunnel to see “Baby”. You need to blind
Baby, so go near his grate. Hang a left, and you will find a tunnel full of
zombies. Kill them. At the end of the tunnel is another grate with a fire
zombie on the other side. Grab him and then go across to the opposite hall to
find some toxic sludge. Toss the fire zombie into the sludge.

This will create one of those biohazard zombies. Grab it and return to Baby.
Throw it through the grate and into Baby’s eyes to blind him. Hop down and
continue into the next area, which uses some enemies to teach you some new

The electricity reacts to the bile biohazard zombies by turning them into
those yellow crystals that you destroy. Kill all of the zombies, but don’t go
into the water until the electricity has subsided. Defeating the first wave
of zombies will bring forth some of those electric zombies with the orbs that
protect them. Defeat the two that spawn.

The last one you kill will leave behind an electrical ring. This ring will
turn the next zombie that shows up into a crystal. Smash the crystal and
then the arrows to platform up the next pipe will finally appear. Run up
the pipe and then smash through the crystal.

There is a fan at the end of this tunnel. Hang a left up the steps near the
fan to find some crystals. Smash them and on the other side you will find a
zombie. Throw the zombie at the fan to crystalize it. Then smash through it to
break the crystal and also the fan.

On the other side, you will have a bit of a puzzle on your hands. First you
need to go down the lower level on the left side. There are furnaces down here
that spew fire. Their pattern is obvious; the outer most ones shoot at the
same time and the middle one shoots when those ones aren’t. Anyway, carefully
make your way to the end of this to find a bile zombie. Slowly make your way
back up to the top and then throw him at the fan. This will cover the fan in
sludge and slow it down.

Now go back and get another bile zombie. Jump across the gap and you will
find the next area blocked by a bunch of waste. Wait for the furnace to spew
its flames and then run up to the waste and melee it with B or Circle,
depending on your platform of choice.

This will get rid of the waste. Now you need to run down to the end of this
hall and grab the electric zombie. Again, be mindful of the furnaces that are
spewing fire. Throw this zombie into the fan and this will turn this fan into
a crystal as well. Smash through.

Drop down the hole. Just press A to jump off when necessary and B whenever you
see the red flash. This ends with another crystal to smash, so break that
crystal as well.

In the next area, first get rid of all the zombies. Then hit the buttons with
Y to bring up the lifts. This will cause two heavy fire zombies to spawn.
Walk over to the furnace and dodge out of the way when they shoot their
fireballs; this will light the toxic waste on fire.

Now kill the two of them. In the western part of the room, you will find a
large crystal blocking your path to one of those bile chicks. Smash the
crystal, defeat the chick, and then grab the new bile zombie that spawns
there. Take him to the burning toxic waste in the furnace and toss him in to
start blowing the place up!

All you have to do next is leave, by way of platforming segment of course.
Don’t worry about the timer at the top of the screen; it is just gauging how
fast you can complete this section and doesn’t indicate a time when you will
be blown up by the explosions for standing still too long or anything.

Complete the first platforming segment. Remember when you see glowing enemies
during the platforming, hit Y/Triangle to continue jumping around and what-not.
At the end of it will be another puzzle room, but first clear the area of

Then pick up the bile zombie that constantly spawns. Throw him into the nearby
electrical fence to create crystals. Smash the crystals. Climb up the wall,
and then grab the explosive zombie. Immediately dash off the ledge and go up
the steps. See the rubble with the yellow caution tape blocking the way? Throw
the explosive zombie into that to blow it up.

Now go back to the first area of this stage and you’ll see an electric zombie
behind a fence. Grab him and take him up those steps. Throw him into the
generator to power on the train.

Drop down and kill all the zombies that have come out of the train. Grab one
of the two that have the yellow exclamation point above their head, and then
throw them into the conductor’s room. Watch the scene, and then jump across
the gap and get up the next area, where you have a long battle ahead of you,
and wave after wave of enemy will spawn. Keep an eye on your health and go
after the big guys first.

Climb up the side of the building, and then you’ll come upon a new platforming
challenging, this one all about timing. There are buckets of vile that will
be dropped, but they can be dashed through quite easily. However, you then have
to deal with valves that are blowing air that you can knock you off the ledge.

For a Story Piece collectible, let the first valve knock you off. Then press B
to swing on the hook and you’ll land in a secret area where the Story Piece is
located. When you want to move beyond this part, it’s easy to dodge the first
few valves, but the last couple of valves are right next to each other and
they only turn off for a very short time, so it can be tricky.

What you need to do is get as close to the steam as possible without being
knocked off. Wait for the steam to switch off, then step forward and dash
immediately as you step in front of the first valve. This should put you ahead
just enough to bypass them.

Up next is a boss fight with a mech that is basically the same as the one you
fought before, with some differences. For one, it has a powerful new missile
attack where it fires a volley of missiles at you that are easily dodged.
For two, there are groups of zombies all over the place that can make it a
little bit more difficult.

Otherwise, the strategy with this guy is the same. You should be more leveled
at this point, so the fight all in all should be a bit easier than before.
There are a couple of collectibles in this area before you leave after beating
the boss.

First grab the electric zombie. Throw him into the generator to lift up the
shutter and grab the health piece. Then return to the spot where you grabbed
the electric zombie. Go up the stairs and you’ll find a button next to the
shutter. Hit Y/Triangle to hit the button to open the next shutter and get
the Story Piece.

Then continue. The blood splotch on the ground indicates where to jump. In
the next area, kill all of the zombies and then climb up on the balcony to
kill the ones up there as well. Big fire dudes and a clown spawn. Kill everyone
and make sure you take with you one of the fire dudes’ weapons. If you hit them
with the electric whip, it will kill them completely and destroy their weapons
as well, so don’t do that to both of them, but it is a good idea to do it to
at least one of them so you only have to really fight one. Obviously you get
the electric whip from the electrical zombies that precede the fire guys.

In the next area, you’ll come across THREE helicopters. If you have the
mortar weapon from the fire guys, you can destroy each helicopter with ONE
shot. The shots will auto-aim at the helicopters as well, so you can get an
extremely high rating for this section with little to no effort. If you don’t
have the weapon, then you’ll have to fight the helicopters like you usually
do, sending their rockets back at them by pressing RB/R1 at the last possible

Next up is another platforming segment with more steam. The first wall run is
a bit tricky. You don’t have to worry about the closest steam at all, as Yaiba
just jumps over it. So keep an eye on the second hole and time your wall run
so that you can get through without being knocked down by the steam.

There’s still more steam to dodge up next. As you can see, there are three
platforms. In the background is one with a story piece. Then there is one
directly underneath the hook you wind up on, and then there is another one
just above the are you drop down. These valves take turns spewing off steam.
So wait for the first one to shoot the steam, then drop, then jump up and

You’ll be in a wide area full of zombies. Kill them all. Then a big fire
guy will show up so kill him as well. Grab a bile zombie and go through the
new area created by fire guy and throw him into the pile of flaming dead
bodies. This will destroy that and you can continue to another platforming

At the end of that is a rotating platform that is in the acid. Dash on through
to the other side (the acid does barely any damage), and then jump up to the
new area. Grab the electric zombie, wait for the acid valves to close, drop
down, and then throw him into the first valve.

Go back, get the same electric zombie, and repeat the process for all the other
acid valves. This will then cause an acid waterfall to appear. Go back a
final time and get the electric zombie. Throw him into the acid waterfall to
create a crystal ladder. Climb it, and then slide down the subsequent rails,
being sure to jump over the parts of it that are on fire and using your
chain to swing around as necessary.

Then you’ll have a long fight against numerous heavies as well as regular
zombies. When that’s over with, there’s a tough platforming segment, but just
time your jumps with the flames.

Remember Baby? Well, it’s time for the “Baby Shower” segment of the level.
Ruh-oh Raggy. !!!BOSS FIGHT!!! and all that.

So, Baby is actually not hard to damage. He is very large and his attacks do a
ton of damage, but as long as you stay behind him, you should be good. In
this first phase of the battle, his attacks are limited to swipes and ground
pounds. Dodge out of the way if he faces you, and then work your way behind
him and start wailing on him with your most powerful attacks.

When his health is about halfway depleted, Baby will retreat to a big acid
pipe and then start spewing it all over the place as zombies spawn. These
zombies provide a good opportunity to execute them and then regain your lost
health. If the next wave of zombies doesn’t spawn, it’s likely they’re trapped
in crystal somewhere in the arena, so smash them to continue the fight.

Baby will have regained the entirety of his health, and he has a few new
tricks up his sleeve. Electrified zombies will constantly spawn, and Baby
will also roll around in an attempt to squash you, which does an insane
amount of damage. You can use the electrified zombies to farm for health if
needed, otherwise the strategy with Baby stays the same.

Also when Baby goes to do the roll move, he leaves himself wide open to a lot
of attacks. So you can really take away huge portions of his health meter
right before he starts rolling around if you can dash out of there fast
enough. There is no execution with Baby; depleting his health meter during
this second phase of the battle will defeat him for good.

Find the blood stain on the ground and dash into the wall that it’s near,
which is by the broken acid pipe that Baby destroyed. Use these pipes to
platform your way to the next level of the game.

This entire mission is just a boss battle against Ryu Hayabusa. The first
phase of the battle is pretty easy. Just wait for the acid to quit spewing out
of the pipe, then run along the pipe. Jump off and press Y to start a clash
with Ryu.

To win the clash, mash like crazy on the button that is in the middle of the
screen. This will deal some damage to Ryu. You can tell you’re damaging Ryu
because the sword at the top of the screen will start being covered in blood
from the tip to the hilt. When it is completely covered in blood, that will
signal Ryu’s defeat, but that’s still a ways away.

Continue to pursue Ryu. He will start firing arrows at you, though his
arrows are easy to dodge. You’ll then get to a point where you have to throw a
zombie at him to stun him before chasing after him. Then you have to keep
hitting him with an explosive zombie until it goes into the next stage of the

In the next stage of the fight, you get to fight Ryu one on one. Dash around a
lot to avoid his attacks, and whenever he gives you an opening, just start
mashing on X like crazy to deal the most damage. You can also create your own
opening by hitting Y first and then going crazy on X.

Ryu will start to charge up and then spin around a lot to deal damage to you
if you stay close to him for too long, so dash out of there once he starts
doing that. Keep nailing him until his partner creates red runes on the
ground. That’s your cue to platform on out of there. This happens for a
second time, followed by an extended rail segment in which you have to avoid
some acidic slugs.

The final part of the battle is the longest. Ryu’s attacks are all the same,
though he adds a couple. For one, he will cause his body to surge with
electricity. To damage him without taking damage yourself, and to cool down
his electricity (so to speak), use your chain. He will also get in a fire
sphere and shoot at you with arrows. Break the fire sphere with your chain as

When Ryu’s health dips below the halfway point, his partner will start to
heal him. Grab an acid slug and throw it at his partner. Now she’ll be out for
the rest of the battle and you can continue to fight Ryu like normal. If you
want an advantage, you can also throw an acid slug at him to stun him and give
you a ton of free shots.

Once Ryu’s health has been completely depleted, there will be a cut-scene.
When the cut-scene is over, Ryu will send a huge fire dragon your way. Tap on
the Y button to punch the dragon and complete the mission.

There’s a new threat to deal with constantly in this mission. Yaiba’s battery
is all screwed up, and so electricity keeps surging through him at dangerous
rates. To discharge the electricity, go to one of the generators and pull the
right trigger.

While the electricity meter is full (the blue circular meter underneath your
health bar), Yaiba is basically unable to move much at all. Go to the first
generator, pull the right trigger, and then the door will open and Ryu’s
full movement will be restored. Be warned that the electricity already starts
to build up, so you will have to seek out another generator if it gets full

The next area will contain zombies and a huge trash crushing machine. You can
throw the zombies into it for easy kills. After the first wave of zombies
are killed, they will be replaced by more powerful enemies, plus carts will
start zipping across the ground. Avoid the carts as much as possible, and
take out the electric zombies first. If the electric zombies hit you, your
electrical meter will fill up all the way immediately, but there is a
generator in this room that you can discharge at if needed.

Once all the zombies have been killed, leave using the hooks and pipes. Go to
the metal door here (might need to discharge first), and smash through. There
will be a zombie sitting on the toilet. Grab him and throw him into the
generator. This will start up the fans and blow away the fire blocking your
path. Pull him out of the generator and then carry him through to the new
area. Toss him into the fan blades to crystalize them, then smash through.

What follows is another typical platforming segment, albeit with another twist.
There will be fan blades at one point in the tunnel that are highly dangerous.
You can jump through them once they start to slow down. Don’t wait for them
to be completely stopped or else you will get chopped up as they speed back up
very quickly.

Another trick is near the end where it makes you think you need to smash
through the first crystals you see. Don’t bother with that, just let Yaiba
fall a little bit more and then press B. This will lead you to the actual
crystals you need to smash in order to get out of this area.

Zombies will be there to greet you in the next place, including those that
have electrical abilities, so that’s lovely. Kill all the zombies in this
initial space first, then get an electrical whip and confront the fire shooting
zombies on the nearby platform. Hit them with the whip and they will die
instantly, though avoid the electric/fire tornado that ensues or else you will
have to go back to the generator and discharge again.

Continue to the next platform where you get a nice surprise! Baby’s back,
though much weaker than before. Baby will also be covered in electricity
sometimes and even fire, so there is an added elemental threat. His attacks are
the same and the arena is much smaller so it is more likely that he will land
hits on you, but thankfully your attacks also do a lot more damage to him than
before as well.

There are a few zombies shooting at you from the next platform, but ignore
them for now. Baby is so large that it is likely that their attacks will
just hit Baby on accident and won’t come close to you. Once Baby is dead,
discharge at the nearby generator, kill the next set of zombies, and then
complete the next platforming segment.

There will be a fan covered in crystals. Smash it, grab the bile zombie inside,
and take him to the next fan that is covered in electricity. Throw him into
it to cover that fan in crystals. Smash it to get a FIRE SHARD, which will
increase your resistance to fire-based attacks. Make your way to the generator
and kill the zombies protecting it. Then hit the button.

Grab the zombie and throw him into the generator to destroy it. Wait for the
fire to stop spewing on the hook so that you can get to the second generator.
The second generator is a bit trickier, as it is not already imbued with
electricity. Kill the zombies, and then hit the button. This will give you
access to two zombies, one that is humping the smaller electrical generator
where you discharge and then another fire one.

Grab one, throw it into the big generator. Grab the other one, throw it into
the generator. This will cause it to blow up, so then make your way to the
third generator, which is even trickier than before! First off, use the
pipes to get to the center platform where the big generator is located.

Now kill all of the zombies here. You can find another pipe opposite of the
one you used to get to the center platform. Ride it to reach the button.
Go up the steps and across the catwalk to get a STORY PIECE. Press the button
to make an electrical zombie spawn. Grab the electrical zombie and then throw
him across to the first platform and into the generator there, which will
cause the lift to rise.

Use the first pipe to return to this first platform. Snag the electrical
zombie from his place to make the lift lower. Stand on the lift and throw
the electrical zombie back into it. This will cause the lift to rise again.
Get the fire zombie, then dash off the lift. Throw him into the big generator
on the center platform. Grab the electrical zombie and throw him into the
big generator next. Ta-da, all three big generators have been successfully

A short scene will play. Afterwards, use the pipes to platform your way on
over to the next area, where you will find a missile launcher. Pick it up and
kill all the zombies. Then the shutter will open, revealing THREE Babies!
Obviously you will want to pick up the missile launcher again (it respawns), so
grab it and blast away at the Babies and they will be dead without too much of
a hassle. Complete a platforming segment, smash through the glass at the end
of it, kill more zombies, then fight the two fire and two electrical zombies at

A mech will now show up. The mech has the exact same attacks as the ones you
fought before, albeit it will try to smash you with electrical charges more
often. A second mech will replace it. Destroy it as well and then you can
continue to the next area.

Watch the scene, then go to the door. It will swing open for you. Go through
the hall and drop down. Two Babies will spawn. Kill them both. The cell
door will drop, with some collectibles very visible on the other side for
you to get. Grab the zombie and then return to the room with the elevator.
Toss the zombie into the generator to power up the elevator.

Now the door on the opposite side of the room will open. Go through and
then drop down to fight a bunch of zombies as well as yet ANOTHER mech.
Once everyone’s dead, grab the zombie near the broken pipes. Carry him back
to the elevator room. Throw him through the window of the control room and
he will press the button to open the doors.

Go through to find a long hall (what?! They said it was an elevator!) Walk
up the steps to find a special weapon. Grab it and drop down into the arena,
where zombies will spawn. You can kill them very easily using your new hammer
weapon. More and more waves of zombies will spawn, becoming increasingly
more powerful with each wave, culminating in two Babies and ANOTHER (yes,
ANOTHER) mech. After all of the enemies have been defeated in this arena,
the mission is finally over.

For this first part, you can either ignore or kill the zombies here. Then run
up to the tube and attack it until it is destroyed. That will cover the first
part of the mission.

The second part, Del Gonzo will grow quite large. He will attempt to smash you
with his fists, at which point you need to dash TOWARDS him and then start
hitting on the stone plate on his stomach with heavy attacks. He will
then retreat, try to smash you again, and you just need to keep repeating
the process. He will eventually summon zombies as well, but they are good for
refilling your health.

Once the stomach plate has been destroyed, Del Gonzo will retreat momentarily.
He will then return with new attacks. He will slam his fists much faster
than before. He will also shoot lightning out of his fingers. It’s a good
idea to stay close to him when he does this so that you can avoid taking

After dodging these attacks, Del Gonzo will summon electrical zombies. Kill
all of them and then he will have birds fly by and shoot lasers out of their
beaks in an attempt to damage you this way. These are pretty easy to dodge,
however, so just keep an eye on their position as they are swooping in from
the ether.

He will then summon bile zombies. You need to kill them and then take one of
their weapons. Then wait for him to start spewing lightning from his
fingers again, and then shoot the lightning coming out of his fingers with the
weapon. This will cover him in crystals, and allow you to deal severe damage to
him. This will also cause Del Gonzo to retreat for a second time.

The third time he comes back, he will start to shoot fire out of his eyes.
What you need to do here is knock the fire back into his eyes using block.
This will destroy his eye. Then he’ll try his other eye, after summoning some
zombies to fight you, of course. Kill the zombies and then send the fire back
into his other eye to get rid of that one.

A bunch of electrical zombies will be summoned next. Kill all of them, and
then run up to Gonzo’s face and attack him.


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3. Conclusion
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I hope this guide helped you with Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z!

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