PS4 Loses to Xbox One in April NPD Sales Reports

Every gamer knows that Sony’s own next gen console PS4 is leading the race throughout the globe and has sold record breaking numbers.

But, unfortunately they do lose to Microsoft’s Xbox One console, now and then, due to various factors. First of all, their competitor has been throwing some of the best discounts around and it is often being sold for a lesser price than the PS4 in one store or the other. Even if it is being sold for $400 as it was supposed to be, the retailers love to throw in goodies like multiple free games and even an extra controller along with it which sweetens the deal to the core.

PS4 vs. Xbox One – Most Powerful Console

The race continues as to which console is the most powerful in the next generation. PS4 without a doubt is powerful when compared to the Xbox One, because it doesn’t have any limitations set on it. Microsoft made the mistake of allocating the hardware resources to Kinect as well, which down powers the device, making it tough to run games at 1080p. Most newly launched titles run at full HD on the PS4, while some don’t.

But, the sheer number of games that are still at 900p or 720p on the Xbox One is too high, which obviously confirms the true winner. If you are a fan of Playstation 4 and think this more than justifies your purchase, you are completely wrong. In reality, both next gen consoles are an overhyped flop that the companies refuse to accept. They hardly have the capability to render games in good graphics quality even in 2015, which forces developers to reduce graphical quality of every title.

Should you buy a PC?

The practical answer to this question is, yes if you don’t mind switching platforms and using an Xbox One or a PS4 purely for the exclusives. And, it is a harsh reality that there are hardly any noteworthy exclusives on these consoles yet. Instead, the developers have been repeatedly shoving re-mastered edition of games you already played in 1080p. Should you be buying them one more time by paying $60 or lesser?

Actually, you shouldn’t, because it keeps the industry lame as they keep making money off games that already got released on the Xbox 360 and PS3. The NPD sales report also confirmed that Mortal Kombat X was the best-selling game of the month followed by GTA 5 and Battlefield Hardline.