3 Things in Warzone that makes Halo 5 Guardians a Must Buy on Xbox One

Players who love Xbox One and Microsoft are going to buy Halo 5 Guardians no matter what.

The game features one of the most exciting single player campaigns in a long time, but there are some new things as well.

Warzone is the most interesting of them all, at least for those who love the multiplayer aspect of Halo. While the game has had a player versus player match for a long time, this is the first time the developers 343 industries have introduced AI opponents to fight with. Maps in a warzone are huge where twelve players will be competing against each other besides numerous AI opponents vying to take you down.

Boss Fights

Did you know that you not only fight other Spartans on Warfare multiplayer mode, but there will be AI bosses as well? If you don’t, be warned now because if you try to take down a massive boss all by yourself, you can be sure that you will be wiped clean in seconds. It is all about teamwork, and you have to gather at least three more players to fight by your side. The more you have, the easier it will be taken down the boss as there will be other AI fighters and human players to interfere in these intense matches.

Core takedowns

Another way to win Warzone matches is by taking down the enemy’s core base. It is not easy because usually these areas are filled with so many human players at once. But, if they are distracted by AI bosses and opponents, use the opportunity to take them down. This is extremely interesting because you have to travel all the way in the huge map deep into enemy territory to win the round. The journey is quite risky unless you have enough upgrades and some teammates to support you.

Earn Upgrades

While you do have to kill enemies, both human and AI, Halo 5 Guardians in this multiplayer mode allows you to be aloof and focus purely on buying upgrades. You can concentrate on unlocking a weapon and if you like to, only focus on taking down easier opponents. This way, you can earn more points in a short time and get those upgrades much quicker. The maps are huge, and you won’t die unless a swarm of enemies suddenly spot you at once. If not, you can fight in your arena.