GTA 5 Gets Major Update with Fast Cars and Powerful New Guns

When everyone thought GTA 5 has ended its spree of launches after finding its way to PCs this year, the game has made news one more time. After all, Rockstar wouldn’t make a game that would become obsolete in just two years, right?

The mods are there, but they are so less at the moment. In the next two to three years, more interesting new modifications will find their way to the game. Meanwhile, the real developers who made the game in the first place are not done yet. They have released a major upgrade recently which adds a host of new high end fast cars to the game. That’s not it because the upgrade will also bring some powerful new guns so that you could blow Los Santos and also get some quirky clothes to wear. The update is now available for all the console versions including PS4, Xbox One and has also landed on the PC edition.

Gotten Gains III Update

The first chapter of this DLC named Gotten Gains has focused purely on introducing high end items that might usually cost you a fortune. But, if you have already finished the main game and earned enough in the multiplayer missions, this shouldn’t be so touch to purchase. Coil Brawler is the biggest car of them all which comes with a huge suspension and a meaty 400cc engine. The Progen T20 is another fast, sports car while Vapid Chino is a sedan that will remind you of those cars from the 90s.

Lampadati Toro is a motorboat while Dinka Vindicator is a motorcycle that’s much faster than those already available. It looks like Rockstar has finally managed to make every player happy with so many different vehicles to choose from.

Weapons and Clothing

The update doesn’t end there because GTA 5 players now have more guns, clothing to choose from. Marksman pistol is a shotgun that lets you fire only one shot at once but is exceptionally powerful that you might blow the guys onto the roof when you shoot at them. The Knuckle Dusters come in handy for fist fighting, but from what we know, there are no brawl dens in Los Santos. So, take it on the civilians! There are new clothing and jewelry to choose from including iFruit Snap Watch. It is the smart watch you need in Los Santos and there are other new watches as well to purchase.