Call of Duty Advanced Warfare New Weapons, Features and Improvements

We have some fresh updates for all you Call of Duty gamers out there: Advanced Warfare will be getting new weapons, 3 to be more precise. So, 3 weapons this means 3 super choices.

According to Sledgehammer, these cool machine guns will first be unveiled on Xbox One and only then on PC and PS4. They will be arriving on the Supply Drop rotation on the 21st of July, Xbox being the number one target.

Heads-up: Unfortunately those of you who have a PS3 or Xbox 360 at home will not get to enjoy these weapons, mostly because of the hardware constraints that the latter consoles have. Now, let’s check out these weapons.

Gun nr.1 is Blunderbuss: Sometimes the smallest guns make colossal devastations, right? But in order for this to work, your victim must be near your shooting area. A drawback with this weapon is the loading period. It is pretty slow between the shots. It will be pretty useful to have around in case you have some missions in Hardpoint or to protect the team’s flag.

Note: To enable the Blunderbuss weapon, gamers can do this if they get 1 out of the 10 versions through Advanced Supply Drop or Supply Drop.

Gun nr.2 is the STG44 : The perfect riffle which can be maneuvered in the multiplayer mode. It has amazing fire rates which are very easy to handle and it is very exact. Again it will come in handy when players are engaged in a medium-range battle. You get 5 versions of this weapon and again you need to get 1 of the latter versions in the Advanced Supply Drop or Supply Drop, if you want to active it.

Gun nr. 3 is SVO: This one is the most precise guns and the recoil is off the charts. This is a semi-automatic rifle and you also get the neat thermal element with it. The latter gun comes in 5 versions and the process for activating it is the same as the other two.

In other news: Mined Data Exposes Useful Maps, Equipment & More

The mined data that is concealed in the game docs is highly appreciated by all avid gamers. The mined data comes with maps, neat equipments and wait for it… a brand new feature which is dubbed Supply Credit.

With the maps you get: Swarm (Seoul, South Korea) ideal for fast battles, Overload (New Baghdad), Pandemic (Liberty Island) and Fracture (Arctic excavation location).

As for the equipments you have new ones as well as Legendary Loot. The new feature Supply Credits will permit gamers to claims their stolen goods for credits and not XP.