Dying Light: How to Fast Travel

The city of Harran, Dying Lights zombie filled setting, is massive. With two main sections of town, The Slums and Old Town, there is a lot of exploration to do, and a ton of collectibles to find. That’s where the game’s simple Fast Travel system comes into play. After all, we know Kyle Crane has to get tired of running all the time.

Although you can’t travel from safehouse to safehouse, you can travel between the different areas of the city.

*Note: Fast Travel can only be used after unlocking the different areas.*

The Slums to Old Town

The first thing you want to do is make your way to the Tower. From there, locate the room with the word “Shop” written on it.

Now move into the room and look to your left. You should see a poster. Interact with it to Fast Travel to Old Town.

Old Town to the Slums

First you’ll want to locate the safehouse I’ve marked on the map below.

Once you’ve marked it on your map, make your way there and then drop into the room and locate the poster on the wall. Interact with it to Fast Travel back to the Slums.

The Slums to the Antenna

We all know how long that final trek to the Antenna took, and if you haven’t gotten that far yet, then don’t worry, we haven’t spoiled anything. If you’re looking to shave a few minutes off your walking time, simply head to the area I’ve marked on the map below.

You’ll need to have an item, such as the grappling hook, to help you climb. However, once you’ve reached the overpass above the construction site, take out the zombies here and then interact with the door to enter a short series of tunnels right into the Antenna area.

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