Alien: Isolation guide: Mission 1 Walkthrough

Mission 1: Closing the Book

 After the extended starting cut scene you’ll be placed within the POV of Amanda Ripley, Ellen Ripley’s daughter, as she awakens from Cryosleep.

Primary Objective – Explore the Torrens

Even though this mission works as a short introduction/tutorial you’re going to have quite a few various objectives to complete. I highly suggest getting used to this now, as the rest of the game will see your objective changing various times throughout.

Secondary Objectives:

  • Get Dressed
  • Speak to Taylor
  • Speak to Samuels
  • Go to Bridge for Briefing
  • Collect your Briefing Document

Head out of the Cryoroom through the only open door and take your first left. Follow this hallway until you reach the next door. Enter this room and head immediately to the opposite side of the room to the storage locker with the name Amanda Ripley posted above it. Interact with it to complete your secondary objective to Get Dressed.

Once you’ve explore that room exit through the door you entered from and follow the hallway once more until you can turn either left or right. Now you need to head into the room on your left to Speak to Taylor. As she speaks locate the green light behind her and move to it to interact with your first terminal.

Once you’re done with your conversation it’s time to find Samuels. Exit the room with Taylor through the door you entered from. Now take the hallway to your right and follow it until you hit another intersection. Twist left and enter the door in the center to Speak to Samuels inside.

With those first three objectives down it’s time to finish up this silly first mission and head to the bridge. All you need to do is follow Samuels back through the room where you spoke with Taylor and onto the bridge. Don’t forget to Collect Your Briefing Documents from the desk behind the captain once you’re instructed to.

That’s it for this level, time to move on to the good stuff.