Sunset Overdrive: Mission 6 - A New Friend

Mission 6 - A New Friend

Once the mission starts you’ll want to take a quick note of the on-screen objective marker and then go to Crown Blades Factory. Don’t be afraid to stop and destroy and OD you see along the way, just take note of Floyd’s recent advice and build up style to make use of those Amps you picked up.

After you arrive at the factory your objective is going to update to follow the mysterious stranger, and an on-screen tip will show you how to swing from horizontal bars in order to reach your target. Keep on swinging and grinding from marker to marker until your objective updates to rescue the stranger.

This part wasn’t that tough, in fact there are so few OD in the area that you could probably just melee them to save your ammunition. Whatever you choose, once the last of the mutants are down approach the locker to trigger a cut scene and officially meet, Sam.

The serenity never lasts long in Sunset City and before you have time to sit down for tea you’ll be introduced to a new type of mutant, the Blower. This will also update your objective to protect Sam from the OD. To do this you’ll just need to keep following your on-screen markers and kill everything that moves.

Tip: Blowers and OD are extremely vulnerable to the Flaming Compensator. Target large groups of OD for massive multi-kills, or just take down any Blowers with well-placed shots from this weapon.

After taking on a somewhat endless amount of OD, your objective will update to return to train. Follow the marker until it updates again, this time asking you to check the cargo for supplies. Doing so will grant you the TNTeddy, an explosive use of children’s toys… but hey we’re not complaining.

With TNTeddy (that name even sounds spiffy) in hand it’s time to defend Sam while he starts the train. Luckily the TNTeddy is as fun as it sounds and you’re going to have a crazy amount of OD, Poppers and Blowers coming your way. It’s almost like the game knew you were going to need it… oh wait. We took up a position on the stairs, kept our heads on the swivel, and blew those crazy mutants back to wherever they came from.

Once the last enemy is down take note of your new objective to ride dat train, hopping on it to act as a makeshift turret while Sam drives you to safety. It’s not a very long ride and once it’s done you’ll have your final task of this mission, follow Sam to the Pizzeria. Arriving at your destination will trigger a cut scene.