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The Last of Us – Shiv Doors Guide

The Last of Us isn't a game that's going away any time soon – it's one of the best games of the decade, and with the latest Remastered edition, more gamers are discovering the intense storyline and challenging gameplay. There are many hidden secrets throughout the game, and one of the more useful ones is the shiv doors scattered across the country. These doors can only be opened with a shiv, and inside they contain valuable supplies like upgrade parts, ammo, and more. There are 13 doors total, and opening all of them in a single playthrough will unlock the bronze trophy Master of Unlocking. Ready to go? Let's get started.

The Last of Us Remastered

Crafting a Shiv

To make a shiv, you need to have at least one binding and one blade. While you can upgrade the shiv skill to use it three times before it breaks, it will always break immediately after using it to open a shiv door.

#1 – The Outskirts

The first shiv door is found just after you get attack by the game's first clicker. It is painted white, just a couple of rooms down, after you are able to start exploring the level.

#2 – The Outskirts

This next door is found just after you get separated from Tess and Ellie in the museum. Carefully take out or avoid the three deadly clickers are make your to the kitchen area. The shiv door is here; make sure you have one available or the materials to make one.

#3 – Bill's Town

In the place where you boost Ellie over the fence, turn around and look left. The door is right here. Just grab it before you continue on.

#4 – Bill's Town

Behind the record store, as you advance through the town, a trap will take out a clicker. On the back of this building, look for the shiv door. If you have already gotten the bow, you've passed it.

#5 – Pittsburgh

In the bookstore, head up to the second floor. Clear out or sneak past the four enemies and open the door to claim the loot.

#6 – Pittsburgh

After you leave the bookstore, some enemies will surprise you and you'll hide behind a taxi. From here, the shiv door is to your left. It's handily marked with red paint. 

#7 – Pittsburgh

This shiv door is found fairly late in the chapter, after Ellie covers you with the rifle. It is in the rations depot, in the back room.

#8 – Pittsburgh

The last shiv door in Pittsburgh is found just after you meet Henry and Sam. Go down one flight of stairs and the door is right in front of you.

#9 – Tommy's Dam

In the beginning of this chapter, just before you jump in the water to retrieve the pallet, you can find this door. You've gone too far if you cross the dam with Ellie. 

#10 – The University

There is only one shiv door in this chapter, and it's found after you pull Ellie up into the science building. Follow the hallway all the way down and the door will be on the right, number 104.

#11 – Lakeside Resort

When you are Joel, you'll find a gas station in the middle of the snowy blizzard. Run across the street and right into the room. Go out the back window and look to the left for the shiv door. 

#12 – Bus Depot

After you get past the three gross bloaters in the tunnel, there will be a room with a crafting table. After you finish crafting whatever you need, head into the back room and turn right to use the shiv door.

#13 – The Firefly Lab

The very last shiv door is found after you barricade the stairwell. Go up to the top level and into the reception area. The door is located behind a desk. Congratulations, you should now have the Master of Unlocking trophy and all the shiv door loot!