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Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare – How to Boost

Using your Exo Boost moves in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is extremely important if you want to win.

You can’t just run around in Advanced Warfare without using the boost moves, you’re going to die.. and die a lot for that matter.

There are a lot of boost moves to get used to and figure out how to use properly, so lets start by laying them out for you.

Exo Boost Moves in Advanced Warfare

Boost Jump – This is essentially a double jump, performed by jumping up and then jumping again while airborne.

Note that you don’t need to jump again immediately, you can save your second jump for any time before you land. This can be used to jump much farther distances than normal.

Boost Slide – You boost forward while sliding on the ground and end in a crouch. Simply crouch while sprinting to perform this move. Keep holding crouch to end up in the prone position after your slide.

It can be used with the Gung Ho perk to shoot while sliding.

Boost Dash – Gives you a short burst in any direction while airborne. To Boost Dash, simply press the sprint button while moving in any direction in the air.

To move through a map quickly, Boost Dash after a single jump. It can also be combined with the Boost Jump to access hard to reach areas and perform jumps you wouldn’t normally be able to perform.

Boost Dodge – Quickly boost left, right, or back out of harms way. To boost dodge, press your sprint button while moving left, right, or back.

Boost Slam – Slams you down to the ground, killing any enemy you land on in the process. Press the crouch button while jumping to perform this move.

It can be used with the Overcharge perk to send out a shockwave to damage surrounding enemies that were not directly hit by the slam. It can also be used to land quicker, especially if you accidentally boost jump too high.

Boost Move Combos

There are several different combinations of Exo Boost moves that you can string together to help you get out of a sticky situation, to help you survive a fight, or to help you get to hard to reach places.

Super Jump – To jump a lot farther than normal, do a Boost Slide right before you jump. The momentum from your Boost Slide will carry into your jump, propelling you a lot farther.

Super Boost Jump – This is my name for it, however others might call it another name. This can be used to make a very long jump that you wouldn’t otherwise be able to make.

You start by sprinting and doing a Boost Slide, then immediately jump, and on your downward arc Boost Jump to jump again, and on your downward arc from the Boost Jump, perform a Boost Dash.

This move can be used to travel rooftops a lot faster than anyone else, so use it frequently.

Aerial Boost Dodge – In a rough gun fight? Boost Jump up and Boost Dash left or right. Suddenly you’re up and out of fire for a moment, and you can gain a second chance for a drop on your enemies.

Have Tips of Your Own?

I’d love to hear them! Leave me a comment below and let me know the moves you use, and the situations you use them in.