NFL Blitz: Attributes Explained
Each player in NFL Blitz is rated in four categories:
While NFL Blitz's digital instruction manual doesn't mention what any of these attributes actually do, some rating descriptions appear on pre- and post-game load screens. EA Forum member, Yuri_B, has kindly transcribed all the ratings information into a handy list:
On OFFENSE & DEFENSE, speed modifies how quickly your Turbo Bar will drain and refill.
On OFFENSE, power helps your offensive line win their blocks, giving your QB more time to throw the ball.
On OFFENSE, power increases the chances of breaking a tackle while carrying the ball.
On DEFENSE, power helps your defensive line win their blocks so they can get into the backfield with more frequency.
On DEFENSE, power improves your chances of tackling a ball carrier in the middle of a special move, when you dive at them.
On DEFENSE, power increases your chances of causing a receiver to bobble the ball when he is hit during a catch animation.
On DEFENSE, power increases your chances of causing the ball carrier to fumble the ball when hit.
On OFFENSE, skill reduces your chances of bobbling or fumbling the ball after being hit.
On OFFENSE, skill slows down the kick meter, making it easier to kick field goals and punts.
On OFFENSE, skill increases the chance that your CPU-controlled receivers will push down defenders immediately after the snap.
On OFFENSE, skill improves your chances of beating a diving defender whenever you perform a special move.
On DEFENSE, skill increases the chances of your CPU-controlled players performing dives, pushes and interception attempts.
On OFFENSE, recovery allows your receivers to fake out defenders more easily while running their routes.
On DEFENSE, recovery makes your players more alert and reduces their chances of being faked out by a receiver's routes.
On OFFENSE & DEFENSE, recovery gives players a better chance of not being tackled by doing a stumble animation instead of actually being tackled.