It's a 3-0 count with 2 probably don't want to steal home.
Know the Count
There are ideal "stealing counts," based around when a pitcher might throw fastball and if he'll pitchout. Again, a faster pitch means it's less likely you'll be successful.
Any count in the pitcher's favor (0-1, 0-2, 1-2) can be good, since they may tempt the batter with off-speed junk in the dirt. Plus, many pitchers will start with a first-pitch fastball, reducing the odds that they'll throw again for a strike.
2-1 is a good count to go too, since the pitcher will most likely not pitchout to force a pure hitter's count. However, without the fear of a walk, he may still rely on a good off-speed pitch. This is also a good hit-and-run count.
Of course, many know the full count, two outs rule for putting the runners in motion. There's no risk, really (unless you get picked off)
What's your favorite count to steal on?