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My Thoughts On Xbox 360 Repair Guides

Try googling for xbox 360 users and their problems with their game consoles and you will find out that there are plenty of them who are plagued with the 3 red lights problem. All of them are pretty confused with what to do and how to solve that problem.

They complain about how they have shelled out so much just to have their game consoles gather dust.

What is so wonderful with the internet is the fact that every time you rant about your problem, you will always find a number of people offering solutions. The only solution that I did not see in all the forums that I have searched was the one involving Microsoft. If you send your xbox 360 to Microsoft, it will take weeks for you to get your console back and you’ll have a huge dent in your pocket as well.

If you really want your xbox 360 to start working again without having to spend so much cash, then try repairing your xbox 360 yourself. You can find a number of xbox 360 repair guides in the internet just by searching for them. Some of them can even get your xbox running in less than an hour.

There different things that you have to be on a look out for when purchasing your xbox 360 repair guide. For one, you have to make sure that the instructions included are all clear and easy to follow. You do not want to spend days trying to understand paragraph after paragraphs. Find a guide that has pictures and illustrations.

You can always find one that has videos together with the pdf file guide. This is a lot better since you can see all the steps demonstrated. A few guides will even make you a member of their site where they post different videos related to the guide that you have purchased.

However, if even with videos you still can’t get things done, you can access their website’s online support.

It is very important that you read the xbox 360 repair guide from cover to cover before you even start doing anything to your xbox 360.

Once you know the steps, you can repair your console with much ease. Other guides only offer troubleshooting information for 3 red light while other cover various problems.

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