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Hockey Safety Tips You Need to Know for Next Season

Before kids begin enjoying the great winter sport of hockey, it’s important to brush up on the latest safety tips for hockey. Each year, a lot of kids and adults are injured while playing hockey. You’ll find all kinds of reasons for injuries but a good many that do not have to happen are the result of poor or inadequate safety and prevention measures. Many of these injuries could be easily prevented with effective parental effort to promote safety education among players. Keep in mind though that all injuries will never be prevented because hockey is a rough sport. This is not an excuse to fail to learn important safety measures. This advice will help you be certain that you have the safest possible hockey season.

You will find that one of the most important items of your safety gear when playing hockey is your helmet.

Sustaining a head injury can be fatal or, at the very least, cause massive health problems. Actually, it was the death of a professional hockey player that made it mandatory for NHL player to include helmets as part of their safety gear. His death was caused by a fall in which he smashed his head against the ice. You have to ensure that any helmet you purchase has been certified by the Hockey Equipment Certification Council. You will have to wear a helmet that features a protective mask which has been welded on. Your helmet should be a good fit and always make sure that the strap is fastened during play.

You must make sure that all your hockey gear fits you well. Believe it or not, but you can help to avoid serious injury if your helmet and other critical safety equipment fits you right. Your equipment will be useless and unable to do its job properly if it doesn’t fit you well. You will otherwise be placing yourself in danger. For example, you don’t want your helmet to be too loose. You can still get really hurt if you fall over and hit your head, which happens pretty often in hockey. Your various pads that you wear must also fit snugly so they won’t shift around while you play.

The protective visor is one piece of safety gear that should be utilized more. However, you will find that there are plenty of pro hockey players who take the smart approach and use them. Your face and eyes are protected from injury because the visor is made of hard plastic. Getting hit by a hockey stick blade or a puck can lead to serious injuries and it happens more often than you realize. You will find that no safety gear can defend you 100% against being injured. But it can seriously reduce the risks when it is worn properly. Reading hockey safety tips can help you prevent many injuries.

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