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Game QA: The Most Critical Ingredient of a Successful Game

In the Game Testing Arena, the game to be tested has to go through rigorous quality checks and tests to find out whether it is the best in the market or not. Customers are very quick to give reviews and one wrong glitch can crumble all the reputation you had gathered for your game. Hence, even before you launch your game in the market, it is important for you to get the Game QA done from quality game testing companies. This will ensure that there are not glitches in your game and even if there are, these will be pointed out to you and you can easily change them before bringing it out to the world.

The gaming industry does not have any set of rules to find out the best games. Every company has different types of testers who use their own methods to check the feasibly and the quality of the game. Quality Assurance or QA is no doubt the most important part of the whole challenge of testing the game. Most companies have their own QA staff that would be looking at the games from every direction to see that there are no glitches. In fact, some of the high profile games are not just tested by QA professionals of one company, but by many companies to ensure thaw high quality.

The QA process is a long and tedious one and will start as soon as the code for the game is written. Early into the process, the game QA team will look at the entire code and also the feedback of the game. All the bugs are taken into consideration and are solved in every possible way to ensure that these do not end up on the game in its final run. After the final beta stage, the mobile game will then be tested on a variety of in-house devices to see whether there are any glitches in any of the devices.

The number of devices that would be used for the game will be different for each company. Some companies will choose to test the game in only 15 devices, while others will prefer to have it tested in 40 odd devices. The bottom line is, every company has a different way to deal with it and it does not depend on the number of devices been used to test the game. The techniques as mentioned are also different.

Some companies take QA to a different level altogether. Not only do they test the game with their in-house developers and testers, but they will also employ people from outside the country to test how the game would work in a foreign setup. This is done in a very quick way and most of the results are sent back to the home country in a few hours. Companies will also use amateurs to test the game to see what would happen in case someone who doesn’t have any idea about the game plays it. This is a sure shot way to find the compatibility of the game in various scenarios