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How To Maximize Wins And Minimize Losses

I have learned of a simple technique that can dramatically maximize your winning streaks, and minimize your losing streaks. I used to win a lot of money at the casinos, until I faced a series of long continual losing streaks. These continuous losses are very damaging and can cause you to lose all of your money! So what can you do to counteract these losing streaks? How about betting less money? Sure, that works sometimes, but on the other hand, when you experience a winning streak, you won't win much money! Here is how I've been using this system to win money playing Roulette.

How To Maximize Your Wins And Minimize Your Losing Streaks Playing Roulette

In simple terms, you must double your bets when you win, and half them when you lose. This will allow you to maximize your winning streaks, and minimize the damage done from losing streaks.

Identifying A Pattern

Looking at the roulette table, you can see that its almost impossible to beat the casinos. Almost impossible, however, not absolutely impossible. There is no way to calculate future Roulette results, however, common sense lets us know that probability works in many different ways. In these different ways, probability can work to our advantage to help us achieve the desired results. By turning probability into our friend, as opposed to our mortal enemy, we can expect to win more often.

I once observed the results of a roulette table for five continuous hours, and I discovered a couple of interesting things. Over time, patterns seem to form. Sometimes the colour red appears eight times in a row. Sometimes a pattern of red, black, red, black appear for six or seven times in a row. However, it seems that once a pattern like this has ended, it will not appear again for a short period. Its very rare for red to appear 8 times in a row, then appear 8 times in a row over the next 10 spins. If you want to maximize your wins, and minimize your losses, you need to pay careful observation to the roulette results.

Patterns In Roulette

Pattern One: Red/black/red/black/red/black

Pattern Two: Black/black/black/black/black/black

Pattern Three:Red/red/red/red/red/red/red/red

If red or black begin showing up 5 times in a row, then maybe it is time to start betting on the opposite colour. At the same time, if odd has appeared 5 times in a row, then maybe it is time to begin placing bets on even. Keep track of the trends that appear, because even though chance isn't predictable, it is also predictable and more likely in some circumstances.

How To Bet Once An Identified Pattern Has Ended

If you have noticed a pattern appearing, that has just finished, e.g. Red/black appearing 8 times in a row, then its time to start betting on another pattern. Patterns seem to appear, but they don't last for very long. If you can guess the next upcoming pattern, you are going to win a lot of money!

I hope that you found this information to be helpful and handy. In any game of chance or skill, practice is certainly a key to winning. Absorb as much as you can about the game of Roulette, and practice playing for free until you feel confident enough to begin betting with real cash. Good luck and happy betting.