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Get Your Poker Education at a Free Poker Site

Poker is America's favorite gambling game, and its popularity has spread across the world. Technically, the basis for poker actually began in Europe, where it was called "Poque" in France and "Pochen" in Germany. These games incorporated all the different aspects of cards, betting, and bluffing - all the elements we use in the modern versions of poker. There are many versions of this beloved game, with a different set of rules applying to each one, and for this reason it can intimidating to beginners. This is where the internet can help.

The internet is an excellent teacher for a variety of subjects, and poker is no exception. The best way to get started on your poker lessons is to go online and look up top poker sites. From there, find a free poker site that feels comfortable to you. Many sites offer free poker money, which is perfect for someone who is unfamiliar with the aspects of betting and gambling. What better way to learn than with free poker money on a free poker site? Not only does it save money for the novice, but it gives one the opportunity to learn the psychology of poker, in a real game against real players who are also online and engaged in the game. All of the top poker sites offer excellent advice on every aspect of the game - from learning the odds of various games, placing good bets, taking advantage of other players' bad bets, maintaining a sense of discipline, and knowing when to fold. Being involved in a game, without actually facing the players across the table, teaches you to "read" your opponents without feeling embarrassed by a lack of experience. For all of these reasons, top poker sites are a perfect place to get your game face on.

These websites also teach you all of the most popular games and give you a chance to experiment with the versions that feel right for you. Texas Hold 'Em is the most popular version of poker for a few different reasons. First, you get the chance to bet more frequently than in other versions. This also means you get a bigger chance to feel out your hand, and fold if you don't see a good one coming. Also, it's simple and easy to learn. Last but not least, it's popularity means it's one of the likeliest to encounter during face-to-face games, so you'll be on familiar ground when you enter a game with live people, whether it's in a casino or at a friend's house. It's important to feel comfortable with whatever version of the game you are playing, and going to online poker rooms ensures that you can learn the most frequently played versions. Other popular versions include Seven Card Stud, Pineapple, and Omaha, and it's good to include these in your repertoire.

Poker is, without doubt, a social game of guts and challenge, which is why is so widely loved and played. It requires discipline and a certain level of being able to "read" people. It also requires keeping other people from reading you, which is where the aspect of bluffing comes into play. Bluffing is one of the highlights. Nothing is better than making the table think you have an amazing hand, thereby forcing them to fold one by one, when in actuality you are holding hogwash. But of course, these are skills that only come with patience, practice, and experience. You can get all of this by going online and practicing on a free poker site, and after that you're ready for the delight of a live game. Go online to get started on your new hobby today.