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In Search of Online War Games to Play

Maximize Your Playing Time With Tried And Tested Multiplayer Online RPG Games Strategies

So, you抳e finally decided to take the plunge and entered one of the many magical worlds of Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games, or MMORPG. Whether you have chosen to serve the cause of the Human Alliance in Azeroth, or prowl the forests of Norrath as a half-elf, or walk the side of evil in battle-ravaged Paragon City, you抮e guaranteed of one thing: countless, countless hours of fun and excitement living the virtual, fantastic life of the character you have created!

But the success of your character as well as your adventures in any Multiplayer Online RPG Games would depend on two factors: your strategy and your skills.

Most Multiplayer Online RPG Games players fear that they don抰 have the time to build up their levels and participate in the many experience-rewarding quests in the games they have decided to subscribe to. They fear that they are at a disadvantage compared to other players who could commit so many hours on a particular game, whereas they could only play for a limited time on a semi-daily basis.

This is not true.

There is a fine line between quality play and quantity play. A player may play for hours upon hours, but if he doesn抰 have the requisite skills and a sound strategy, he won抰 level up just as fast. But a player who could only play for, say, 3 hours everyday can achieve a higher level if he has the right skill set and if he employs the proper strategies.

Which brings us to the point of this article: there are a number of universal strategies that can be used with most Multiplayer Online RPG Games models. Knowing them would help you maximize the time you could commit for the game. What are these strategies? Read on, brave adventurer?br />
1. Know the character you want before you build him/her. Every Multiplayer Online RPG Games offers the same basic character types. Knowing what you want and what you need before you build such a character would give your adventuring some purpose. Each character type has specific strengths and weaknesses. And since leveling up would require you to allot certain points to a variety of attributes, you will have to know which of these attributes would serve your character best. A knight/warrior, for example, needs an initial build with the hit points and power maxed out. Every time such a character would level up, you have to allot points to these 2 attributes only. A mage/priest/acolyte needs an initial build with intelligence set at the maximum, and this is the attribute that should be developed.

2. Partying is key in any Multiplayer Online RPG Games. Joining a party of fellow gamers would allow you to level up faster. Not only will you be able to take on more powerful monsters which you wouldn抰 be able to deal with by yourself, you抎 also be able to venture to places that are otherwise too dangerous for you. Additionally, more powerful monsters would drop more valuable items, and you could use these or sell them for a lot of currency!

3. Look for a tank. A tank is basically a character that would attack a monster first. This would cause the monster to focus its own attacks on that player, allowing you to kill it from behind, and safe from its fatal blows. Once the monster is killed, you抎 receive a majority of the experience points. It goes without saying that your tank should be a character with high hit points.

4. Use magic chests or banks. A lot of Multiplayer Online RPG Games models utilize a deposit system where you could store the items you have decided to keep as well as the money you have earned. Use these! Not only will you be able to clear up your inventory screen, but if your character would die in battle, you won抰 have to lose the valuable items that you have gained.

5. Do not pick a fight you cannot win. Know the level status of the monsters, as well as other players in PvP (Player vs. Player) situations. Multiplayer Online RPG Games models use a certain algorithm that makes the determination of the winner a mathematical fact. Basically, if your level is lower than theirs, and you抣l battle on a one-on-one basis, you抣l lose. Pick your fights intelligently.

Many veteran Multiplayer Online RPG Games campaigners would tell you that it抯 not how much time you spend playing the game that matters, it抯 how you play the game within the time you spend on the same that counts. Practicing the MMORPG strategies we have discussed in this article would guarantee an optimal experience for you, even if you抎 play your preferred Multiplayer Online RPG Games for limited periods during the week.