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Three Things to Avoid When Buying World of Warcraft Gold

Are you are considering buying gold for World of Warcraft, there are a few things you need to consider before potentially throwing away your money and possibly your World of Warcraft account through bans. There are thousands and I literally mean thousands of sites online that sell gold but not all of them are legitimate businesses.

Some gold sites will get the payment and take days or weeks to deliver your gold if at all, other gold sites will deliver you the gold in a timely manner but don抰 practice caution and get gold buyers banned. There are three things you can do to make sure you get your gold and can enjoy it as soon as possible.

First, don抰 buy gold from a site without doing some research. Ask your friends (not in game of course), check reviews and do some background on the gold site before spending. See what others have to say about which gold site to buy from. Over the past year my friends and I have bought gold from countless vendors and only came across a few gold sites that we liked and trust. Buying from the right gold vendor can make the difference between having a mailbox full of gold or an empty wallet and banned account.

Second, don抰 buy gold in huge quantities as this will get you on the radar with Blizzard GMs which may investigate and ban your account. Instead practice patience and buy gold in somewhat smaller amounts of about 3k gold per order. This is because there are only a few items in the World of Warcraft Economy that are worth more than 3,000 gold. If you need lots of gold then just buy gold a bit more frequently but practice caution. Learn to predict your gold buying needs by pacing yourself, don抰 get into the habit of buying massive amounts of gold and don抰 get into the habit of buying gold more than once a week. Following this step alone would have prevented thousands of accounts from being banned and can help you avoid the wrath of Blizzard GMs.

Lastly, don抰 tell people you bought gold while playing World of Warcraft. Unless you know the person very well and trust him, they may tell other friends and eventually the wrong person may find out. There are lots of players that will report people if they hear you bought gold and this may get the attention of game GMs which may investigate further and possibly ban your account.

Using these three safety tips will help prevent most of the dangers of buying World of World of Wacraft gold. Buy from a trust worthy site, split up your gold buying needs if you want to buy massive amounts of gold and don抰 let anyone know that you bought gold.

Eric Khremon is a professional World of Warcraft player experienced in gold buying and farming and writes guides on the buying, selling and farming World of Wacraft gold and reviews top gold sellers on the web.