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Little Known Ways Regarding Computer Games -- Discover Valuable Ideas

Online games are more popular then ever!
It look like each day new computer online games are created. The trouble gamers are facing now is which online game to choose from?

I remember back in 1982 when nobody had that problem! Indeed, when I bought my first computer there was no online gaming at all. Thinking of it, there were not a lot of regular computer games in stores either. We were not even thinking or talking about online games! You can't miss what you do not know. Microsoft was starting. I wish I had bought some of their stocks then.

Yes, back then, what we could call today the prehistoric age of computer gaming was not really user friendly. Indeed you had to load a game from a cassette player (yes I said a cassette player) and we hoped for the best. Sometimes the download from the cassette player was not a success. It took many tries and when it finally worked it took a while to load, hey it was a big 4k program after all! My entire computer memory was 16k... but would you believe we were hypnotized and excited by the new technology behind it.

Computer Online Games - Nowadays

Now we about stopped counting the mega bytes, the pixels and the memory, who cares... everything is mega and mega whatever is cheap. But believe me. We had as much fun in that time with less puny kilobytes than today with tons of them. Now we are kind of spoiled with new technologies coming out month after month after month. You buy a real brand new mega everything top of the line computer, a top dog monster actually but months down the road the monster will turn into a regular pooch then few months later it will become a poor puppy that can hardly keep up with the fast moving new top dog computers behemoths... yes, this is reality on the internet super highways where computers live a short exciting life and die fast. You can't even count the loads of "high tech has-been" road kills on each sides of the superhighway. Get out of the way slow poke or die!

One day back in the prehistoric age of 1995, a new bright world emerged from the ocean of the dark lonely world of my computer desk. A new dawn. I remember clearly the first day I got my first modem. A big heavy cumbersome lighting fast 300 baud modem! The beast was loud and slow but it was also great since it opened up my small lonely computer world into a vast infinite internet great world by connecting me to a huge lifeline that will soon circumverate the world. The online computer gaming era had just started! Whoo hoo it was super! I forgot to eat for a while and going to bed became optional.