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Useful Guide For Texas Holdem Poker Players

The Texas Holdem rage is sweeping the nation. Equip yourself with the leverage necessary for dealing with any opponent with these handy strategy in playing the top ten hands.

Drawing Pocket Aces

Possibly the least difficult hand to play in Holdem, since it is the best possible starting hand, but avoid falling prey to the trap so easily. Before the flop, do your best to get your aces down to a single opponent, and try to get him all-in. You expect to earn wins for many times, but be prepared to lose sometimes, and never allow it to disrupt your game. Most hands are at best about 23% to win against you, so one in four times you can expect to be outwit. The more people you let stay in the hand, the more chance that someone is going to outwit you.

Refrain from being afraid to lay this hand down after the flop if your instincts are telling you that you're beat. Pride is a Texas Holdem player's worst enemy.

Pocket Kings

Pocket King's scheme is very similar to pocket aces pre-flop, as you would like to settle for a single opponent before the board comes down. Play them actively, but exercise caution that a single ace can bring your hand down, a weakness pocket aces do not share. Also, if a commonly tight player drawing a lot of chips suddenly re-raises you all-in before the flop, it is most likely that he is holding aces and you expect a 4:1 favor against you.

After the flop, if an ace comes out and you have reason to believe your opponent has it, bet out anyways. If you get raised back, let the hand go. If he plainly calls, most likely that the ace is not in his hands, but he believes that it is not also under your possession. You do not have to, but you have second best and that is more likely enough if he is calling faintly.

Pocket Queens

One of the most difficult hands in Texas Holdem, due to the fact that it is not an easy hand to throw away, but has a lot of weak points. Compared to aces and kings, pocket queens now consist of two over-cards to deal with, on top of other hands out-drawing them. Again, play them aggressive before the flop, raising strongly, and even a single re-raise against someone in late position is highly commendable. If somebody in early position raises you, simply call an early raise usually means strength.