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Order versus Destruction ?Warhammer Sets The Pace

Warhammer online is a multiplayer online role-playing game developed by Mythic Entertainment. The game is based on the Warhammer Fantasy setting which is focused on the continual worldwide conflict. Warhammer games are geared towards the ongoing world war coupled with dark humor. The world of Warhammer resembles that of Tolkien, this is a fantasy world. Elves, goblins, dwarves and humans are the major characters withstanding an evil power trying to take over the world. Warhammer online is comprised of two separate contending factions. Each splinter is made up of three armies which in their turn also divide into three or four career choices. Basically the main armies are called Armies of Order and Armies of Destruction. The army of order is represented by dwarfs, the Empire which is the largest human civilization, and high elves. Correspondingly dark elves, goblins and Chaos are fighting on the side of army of destruction.
The players control model armies fighting each other in a multitude of online battles. Their main goal is to outwit, outfight and eventually destroy the adversary抯 forces. The battles scenario can include small 20 model fights to huge 200 model skirmishes.
Specific game features encompass character customization and collision detection. This is really great that you can create your own initial character by selecting the race, career, appearance, even facial features and accessories. Players are able to decorate themselves with various trophies that are displayed on the character model. Warhammer online also features collision detection that is designed to prevent players, both enemy units and friends, from moving through other player characters. site offers the most updated and comprehensive information about Warhammer online. We provide the guide for the beginners and early guests dealing with quests, givers, rewards and locations. You can also find a Warhammer online map to catch the idea of you and your adversary抯 forces dislocation. Warhammer online manual would be of great assistance in your first steps towards mastering Warhammer game and various Warhammer addons. Those impatient to share the most recent news, tips and hints about the game, can now revel. Our Warhammer online forums were created specially for true Warhammer buffs. Another outstanding service you can find on our website is Warhammer online interview with the creators and professionals in the game. We also provide Warhammer preview for you to get the basic idea of this amazing fantasy world. It will guide you through the fantastic lands of heroic battles, poignant deaths, unbelievable wealth and fame.