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Learn Bingo Chat Room Talk

To the novice online bingo player bingo chat rooms can be a very daunting place if you've not been in one before. People will use all sorts of online bingo phrases, I have put together a list of most of the popular chat terms to help you enjoy and understand the experience of online bingo chat. Bingo is very social game, so get yourself involved!

As I have said in other articles one of the big draws to online bingo is the strong communities that have developed from the online bingo chat rooms. As many bingo halls have closed throughout the uk down to the smoking ban and to some extent online bingo many of these communities have switched to the bingo chat rooms. In many ways this has been good for the players as they can log in at any time and chat to their friends. Obviously this has destroyed the live social side of online bingo but I guess progress is progress. It is a fact that many use online bingo chat rooms for meeting new people and many romances have blossomed in chat rooms that have even led to marriage.

If you have already experienced online chat rooms then the chances are you will understand the bingo lingo of the chat rooms straight away as most of the acronyms are standard across the internet although there are a few specific acronyms specific to playing bingo. At first it may all seem a bit daunting but trust me that after an hour or two in the chat room you will easily develop a great understanding and become part of the crowd.

Simply learn the terms below and you will be able to enjoy the good banter that exists 24/7 in online bingo rooms.

! s > Smile
Evil grin!
1TG / 2TG 1 Ball to go / 2 balls to go
OTP On the Phone
CUL C U Later
HAGD Have A Good Day
HAGN Have A Good Night
GLAC Good Luck All Close
GL2U2 Good Luck to u too
SS So Sorry
ROFL Rolling on the Floor Laughing
ROFLPIMP Rolling on the floor, peeing in my pants
A/S/L ? Age/Sex/Location ?
AFK Away from keyboard
AFK2P Away from keyboard (to pee)
AKA Also know as
AFAIK As far as I know
ASAP As soon as possible
B Back
BAK Back at keyboard
BBL Be back later
BBS Be Back soon
BF Boyfriend
BLNT Better luck next time
BO Blackout
BRB Be right back
BBIAB Be back in a bit
BTW By the way
BTDT Been there Done that
CYA See ya
CYAL8R See ya later
CH Chat Host
CM Chat Monitor
EAK Eating at the Keyboard
EG Evil grin
FAQ Frequently asked questions
FYI For your information
GF Girlfriend
GG Good Going or Good Game
GL Good Luck
GL2U Good luck to You
GLA Good luck all
GLE1 Good luck everyone
GM Good morning
GMTA Great minds think alike
GN Good night
GR8 Great
GRN Green
GAG Green and Gone
HAGD Have a good day
HB Hurry back
H+K Hugs and Kisses
IC I see
IGP I gotta pee
IMO In my opinion
IMHO In my humble opinion
IRL In real life
JK Just kidding
L8R Later
L8R G8R Later gator
LMAO Laughing my ass off
LMBO Laughing my butt off
LOL Laugh out loud
MF My Friend (not the other meaning!)
MNC Mother nature calls
NP No problem
OMG Oh My Goodness / God
PM Private message
PMP Peeing my pants
PPL People
QT Cutie
R Are
R U Are You
RAG Red and gone
ROFL Rolling On Floor Laughing
ROFLMAO Rolling on Floor Laughing My Ass Off
SD Sweet dreams
SRY Sorry
STU Same to you
SYS See you soon
TC Take care
TTFN Ta ta for now
TX Thanx
TY Thank you
TYU2 Thank you, you too
TYVM Thank you very much
U You
WB Welcome back
WTG Way To Go
YAG Yellow and gone
YLO Yellow
YW You're welcome
YVW You're very welcome