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90 Ball Bingo Common Ball Slang Names

Those new to UK 90 ball bingo may well be confused when playing the game in a local bingo hall for the first time. The bingo caller calls each ball by not only its number but by a slang name.

A few of the fashionable bingo clubs have now stopped using the bingo balls slang names as they believe giving names such as 搕wo fat ladies?for the number eighty eight is out dated and old fashioned. The practise though is still widespread throughout the UK and it just a bit of harmless fun.

If you read through the names below it soon becomes clear how each ball got its name. Many names were simply generated from the shape of the number such as 搇egs 11?for eleven, two fat ladies for eighty eight and even one little duck for the number two. Others relate to British culture such as 揥as She Worth It??for fifty six which was the pre decimal price of a marriage licence.

1. At the Beginning or Kelly's Eye
2. One Little Duck
3 Cup of Tea or One Little Flea
4 Knock at the Door
5 Man Alive
6 Tom's Tricks
7 Lucky
8 Garden Gate
9 Doctors Orders
10 Gorden's Den
11 Legs Eleven
12 One Dozen
13 Unluck For Some
14 Valentines Day
15 Young and Keen
16 Sweet Sixteen
17 Dancing Queen
18 Coming of Age
19 Goodbye Teens
20 One Score
21 Key of the Door
22 Two Little Ducks
23 Thee and Me or A Duck and a Flea
24 Two Dozen
25 Duck and Dive
26 Pick and Mix
27 Gateway to Heaven
28 Overweight
29 Rise and Shine
30 Dirty Gertie
31 Get Up and Run
32 Buckle My Shoe
33 Dirty Knee or Two Little Fleas
34 Ask for More
35 Jump and Jive
36 Three Dozen
37 More Than Eleven or A Flea in Heaven
38 Christmas Cake
39 Those Wonderful Steps
40 Naughty Forty
41 Time for Fun
42 Winnie the Poo
43 Down on your Knees
44 Droopy Drawers or Open Two Doors
45 Halfway There
46 Up to Tricks
47 Four and Seven
48 Four Dozen
49 P.C.
50 Half a Century
51 Tweak of the Thumb
52 Danny La Rue
53 Stuck in the Tree
54 Clean the Floor
55 Snakes Alive
56 Was she Worth it
57 Heinz Varieties
58 Make them Wait
59 Brighton Line
60 Five Dozen
61 Bakers Bun
62 Turn on the Screw
63 Tickle Me
64 Red Raw
65 Old Age Pension
66 Clicketty Click
67 Made in Heaven
68 Saving Grace
69 Any Way Up or Either Way Up
70 Three Score and Ten
71 Bang on the Drum
72 Six Dozen
73 Queen B
74 Candy Store
75 Strive and Strive
76 Trombones
77 Sunset Strip
78 Heavens Gate
79 One More Time
80 Eight and Blank
81 Stop and Run
82 Straight on Through
83 Time For Tea
84 Seven Dozen
85 Staying Alive
86 Between the Sticks
87 Torquay in Devon
88 Two Fat Ladies
89 Nearly There 89
90 Top of the Shop or Top of the House